Gambling Stats

be oOgigi8Oo's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 123 Total Set Money 2279 €
Winning Percentage 58 % Losing Percentage 42 %
Total Money 260.93 € Total Capital 260.93 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 [ 4 ] 5 6
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
qw 31.01.08 21:00 Four Kings gb 1.06 vs. 16.50 gb Team-CoolerMaster 5 € on gb 4K Won 5€
et 31.01.08 21:00 Estonia ee 1.13 vs. 8.76 lv Latvia 5 € on ee EST Lost
et 31.01.08 21:00 Authentic Gaming eu 1.06 vs. 17.70 pl some1s 5 € on eu Auth Won 5€
et 31.01.08 20:30 Punk'd ee 2.64 vs. 1.61 be Underground Gaming 10 € on be uGaming Won 16€
qw 31.01.08 20:00 team-phonetic gb 4.28 vs. 1.30 de Stofftiere Online 10 € on de sfto Won 13€
et 30.01.08 21:00 Hungary hu 10.82 vs. 1.10 pl Poland 10 € on pl POL Won 11€
qw 29.01.08 20:30 Italy it 1.31 vs. 4.27 hu Hungary 5 € on it ITA Won 7€
et 27.01.08 22:30 Netherlands nl 1.05 vs. 22.34 it Italy 10 € on nl NED Won 11€
et 27.01.08 21:00 USA us 4.02 vs. 1.33 gb United Kingdom 5 € on gb UK Lost
et 27.01.08 21:00 Germany de 1.08 vs. 14.31 es Spain 10 € on de GER Won 11€
et 27.01.08 21:00 Ireland ie 34.62 vs. 1.03 be Belgium 10 € on be BEL Bet was cancelled
et 27.01.08 21:00 Nyja pl 11.11 vs. 1.10 pl Authentic Gaming 10 € on pl Auth Won 11€
et 27.01.08 20:00 neVerminds pl 22.63 vs. 1.05 pl savak 5 € on pl nVm Lost
et 27.01.08 20:00 Russia ru 4.37 vs. 1.30 il Israel 5 € on il ISR Won 7€
qw 26.01.08 18:00 Team-BUBU dk 3.38 vs. 1.42 se Kompaniet 5 € on se k. Bet was cancelled
et 25.01.08 22:00 Chile cl 19.29 vs. 1.05 pl Poland 5 € on pl POL Won 5€
et 24.01.08 21:00 neVerminds pl 1.67 vs. 2.48 es 33 centilitres 10 € on pl nVm Lost
et 24.01.08 21:00 Croatia hr 1.18 vs. 6.42 hu Hungary 5 € on hr CRO Lost
et 23.01.08 21:30 France fr 1.72 vs. 2.38 si Slovenia 5 € on fr FRA Lost
et 23.01.08 21:00 #a.ToOn de 2.97 vs. 1.51 eu Gamedivision 20 € on de #a.ToOn Won 59€
qw 23.01.08 21:00 Team SPEED-LINK de 2.16 vs. 1.86 se Kompaniet 5 € on de SL Lost
et 23.01.08 21:00 Nyja pl 1.49 vs. 3.05 pl dECLINE 5 € on pl dECLINE Lost
et 23.01.08 20:30 some1s pl 7.70 vs. 1.15 be Underground Gaming 5 € on be uGaming Lost
qw 23.01.08 20:00 Belgium be 6.54 vs. 1.18 fi Finland 30 € on be BE Lost
q3 22.01.08 21:00 sivek pl 2.26 vs. 1.79 dk light 5 € on dk light Won 9€
1 2 3 [ 4 ] 5 6