Gambling Stats

it gear667's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 206 Total Set Money 2365 €
Winning Percentage 49 % Losing Percentage 51 %
Total Money 166.90 € Total Capital 166.9 €

Recent Bets

1 2 [ 3 ] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
qw 28.01.09 21:00 United States us 1.76 vs. 2.31 it Italy 50 € on it ITA Won 116€
qw 28.01.09 20:00 bailOut de 5.08 vs. 1.25 cz r3volta 10 € on de bailOut Lost
et 25.01.09 21:00 Central Italy it 1.17 vs. 6.76 it Nordwestern Italy 10 € on it NordWest Lost
qw 25.01.09 21:00 Fraking Toaster fr 1.73 vs. 2.37 ru Combat Folk 10 € on fr Frak Bet was cancelled
qw 22.01.09 20:30 LOL'd ru 12.75 vs. 1.09 pl [1stCav] Multigaming 10 € on pl 1stcav Won 11€
qw 21.01.09 21:00 bailOut de 1.12 vs. 9.35 ru MoZ from Russia 10 € on de bailOut Bet was cancelled
qw 20.01.09 22:00 Explanation eSports eu 1.70 vs. 2.42 es Black Point 10 € on es 3LACK. Won 24€
qw 20.01.09 21:00 a.Toon de 1.23 vs. 5.34 us Mainline Gaming 10 € on us mL Won 53€
qw 20.01.09 20:30 Explanation eSports eu 1.06 vs. 17.26 ru PlatinuM 10 € on eu e` Won 11€
tmf 18.01.09 20:00 n!faculty de 1.46 vs. 3.16 it Inferno-eSport 10 € on de n! Lost
qw 18.01.09 19:00 si 1.03 vs. 32.08 de rockit 10 € on de rockit Bet was cancelled
et 18.01.09 19:00 it 1.13 vs. 8.68 it r3voluT1oN 10 € on it r3v Lost
qw 12.01.09 21:00 Team Belgium be 1.88 vs. 2.27 it Team Italy 20 € on it ITA Bet was cancelled
qw 05.01.09 21:00 si 2.17 vs. 1.85 pl Designate 10 € on si mamut Bet was cancelled
et 14.12.08 20:00 e[x]treme $ol[D]ier$ it 2.15 vs. 1.87 fi Lamb Of Gods 10 € on it e$ Bet was cancelled
et 07.12.08 21:15 Punk'd ee 1.91 vs. 2.10 it Heavy Dynamite Addicted 10 € on it hd4 Bet was cancelled
tmf 07.12.08 20:00 Illusion eSports it 3.38 vs. 1.42 pt Revoltados 10 € on it !eS Lost
tmf 07.12.08 20:00 Begrip Gaming eu 2.30 vs. 1.77 it Inferno-eSport 10 € on it Inferno Won 18€
qw 23.11.08 21:30 O-Zon3rs Multigaming it 1.10 vs. 11.22 de eXtOO 10 € on it [Oz3] Won 11€
qw 23.11.08 21:30 O-Zon3rs Multigaming it 3.64 vs. 1.68 es The Fight Club 10 € on it [Oz3] Bet was cancelled
qw 23.11.08 20:30 Kapoks eu 1.18 vs. 6.45 de bailOut 10 € on de bailOut Lost
tmf 23.11.08 20:00 Energie5 pt 4.68 vs. 1.27 it Illusion eSports 10 € on it !eS Lost
tmf 23.11.08 20:00 n!faculty de 1.51 vs. 2.97 it Inferno-eSport 10 € on it Inferno Won 30€
qw 19.11.08 21:00 si 1.02 vs. 51.22 de a.Toon 10 € on si mamut Won 10€
qw 17.11.08 20:45 Snakepit fi 3.18 vs. 1.46 eu Kapoks 10 € on fi Snakepit Lost
1 2 [ 3 ] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11