Gambling Stats

pl fanatic's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 5333 Total Set Money 9562748 €
Winning Percentage 52 % Losing Percentage 48 %
Total Money 100.00 € Total Capital 100 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [ 10 ] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 [...] 246
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
lol 06.02.14 19:00 Alliance eu 24.01 vs. 1.04 eu Fnatic 2,500 € on eu Fnatic Lost
lol 02.02.14 21:00 XDG Gaming us 4.28 vs. 1.30 us Counter Logic Gaming Prime 250 € on us CLG Lost
lol 30.01.14 22:00 Copenhagen Wolves dk 85.90 vs. 1.01 eu Fnatic 2,222 € on eu Fnatic Won 2,244€
lol 30.01.14 21:00 SK Gaming de 1.37 vs. 3.71 fr SUPA HOT CREW XD 1,111 € on de SK Lost
lol 30.01.14 20:00 Team ROCCAT de 3.39 vs. 1.42 eu Fnatic 2,222 € on eu Fnatic Won 3,155€
lol 30.01.14 19:00 Gambit Gaming eu 1.17 vs. 6.90 eu Alliance 2,222 € on eu GG Won 2,600€
et 21.01.14 16:00 devotis eu 5.48 vs. 1.22 pl wiSe-guys 1,111 € on pl wiSe Won 1,355€
lol 15.01.14 00:30 SK Gaming de 2.21 vs. 1.83 fr Millenium 250 € on de SK Lost
lol 14.01.14 23:30 Copenhagen Wolves dk 4.35 vs. 1.30 eu Gambit Gaming 250 € on eu GG Won 325€
lol 14.01.14 22:30 Alliance eu 8.65 vs. 1.13 eu Fnatic 250 € on eu Alliance Lost
lol 14.01.14 21:30 SUPA HOT CREW XD fr 2.38 vs. 1.73 de Team ROCCAT 250 € on fr SHC Lost
lol 14.01.14 20:30 Copenhagen Wolves dk 7.42 vs. 1.16 eu Alliance 250 € on eu Alliance Lost
lol 14.01.14 19:00 Fnatic eu 2.22 vs. 1.82 eu Gambit Gaming 250 € on eu GG Lost
et 14.01.14 01:00 wiSe-guys pl 51.85 vs. 1.02 eu team exitium 1,000 € on eu ext3 Won 1,020€
et 12.01.14 21:00 Runo<3 eu 13.34 vs. 1.08 fr phase 10,000 € on fr phase Won 10,800€
et 08.01.14 22:45 to Make odds even pl 1.37 vs. 3.74 eu Runo<3 10,000 € on eu eA Lost
et 08.01.14 21:30 TAG eu 7.07 vs. 1.16 pl to Make odds even 1,722 € on eu TAG Lost
et 08.01.14 21:15 Runo<3 eu 1.18 vs. 6.53 be greejtsjot 5,000 € on eu eA Won 5,900€
et 08.01.14 20:45 Runo<3 eu 1.09 vs. 12.14 nl HappySixFriends 2,000 € on eu eA Won 2,180€
et 08.01.14 20:30 to Make odds even pl 1.07 vs. 14.53 eu OUTRAGEd eSports 500 € on eu OUTRAGEd Lost
et 08.01.14 20:30 TAG eu 1.01 vs. 100.00 pl Samo Sie Wyjebaki 1,000 € on eu TAG Won 1,010€
et 07.01.14 22:30 greejtsjot be 2.04 vs. 1.96 eu eXecutors 2,500 € on be v56 Lost
et 07.01.14 21:30 TAG eu 5.72 vs. 1.21 eu eXecutors 2,000 € on eu .eXe Won 2,420€
et 07.01.14 21:15 Serious Incident Called Karma eu 1.62 vs. 2.62 eu eXecutors 2,555 € on eu SICK6 Lost
et 07.01.14 21:00 to Make odds even pl 1.21 vs. 5.67 be greejtsjot 500 € on be v56 Won 2,835€
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