Gambling Stats

pl fanatic's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 5333 Total Set Money 9562748 €
Winning Percentage 52 % Losing Percentage 48 %
Total Money 100.00 € Total Capital 100 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [ 12 ] 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 [...] 246
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 24.11.13 21:15 alliancze blue team cz 56.49 vs. 1.02 eu Runo<3 50,000 € on eu eA Won 51,000€
et 24.11.13 21:15 Effectus nl 1.04 vs. 24.48 eu mikeh's low gamers 20,000 € on nl e: Lost
et 24.11.13 20:15 Runo<3 eu 1.17 vs. 6.80 pl Echelon 2,500 € on eu eA Won 2,925€
et 24.11.13 18:30 turbot fi 3.32 vs. 1.43 pl Frogs of War 555 € on fi turbot Won 1,843€
et 17.11.13 22:00 Runo<3 eu 2.14 vs. 1.88 nl Keyboard Warriors 5,000 € on nl KW Lost
et 17.11.13 21:30 Brotherhood of Wolf pl 1.49 vs. 3.03 fi #r@g eSports 1,111 € on fi r@g Lost
et 17.11.13 21:30 MYSTERIOUS MONKEYS de 3.57 vs. 1.39 se Disposable 1,111 € on de mMONKEYS Won 3,966€
et 17.11.13 21:15 Effectus nl 1.05 vs. 20.63 eu mikeh's low gamers 1,111 € on nl e: Bet was cancelled
et 17.11.13 21:00 new terror fi 7.20 vs. 1.16 gb one.soldier 5,555 € on gb one Won 6,444€
et 17.11.13 21:00 phase fr 1.09 vs. 12.42 eu Runo<3 1,000 € on eu eA Lost
et 17.11.13 19:45 girls.rawrr eu 3.35 vs. 1.43 us Electrostatic Discharge 1,111 € on eu rawrr Lost
et 17.11.13 19:00 phase fr 1.13 vs. 8.48 fr Hi2u 1,111 € on fr phase Won 1,255€
et 17.11.13 18:00 phase fr 1.16 vs. 7.11 ee Full power of yolo 1,111 € on fr phase Won 1,289€
et 11.11.13 21:30 TAG eu 1.13 vs. 8.99 nl Pluspunt 5,000 € on eu TAG Won 5,650€
et 11.11.13 21:00 Keyboard Warriors nl 3.45 vs. 1.41 fr phase 10,000 € on nl KW Lost
et 03.11.13 22:45 romaniancyberwarrior hu 16.51 vs. 1.06 fr phase 250 € on hu RCW Lost
et 03.11.13 22:00 gMen Junior nl 25.52 vs. 1.76 be AntiClimax 250 € on be aClmx Bet was cancelled
et 03.11.13 21:30 Electrostatic Discharge us 1.21 vs. 5.66 gb Ferocious warriors 500 € on gb <FuS> Lost
et 03.11.13 21:30 Pluspunt nl 1.79 vs. 2.27 gb SixStar Red 1,000 € on gb 6Star R Bet was cancelled
et 03.11.13 21:30 orzel7 pl 2.94 vs. 1.56 eu nhncd 1,000 € on eu enhanced Bet was cancelled
et 03.11.13 21:30 MYSTERIOUS MONKEYS de 3.65 vs. 1.38 eu Runo<3 2,500 € on de mMONKEYS Lost
et 03.11.13 21:00 one.soldier gb 1.01 vs. 100.00 fi #r@g eSports 50,000 € on gb one Bet was cancelled
et 03.11.13 21:00 favelas rocinha 1893 br 1.34 vs. 5.14 ru etcfg 250 € on ru etcfg Bet was cancelled
et 03.11.13 21:00 The Bizons eu 1.38 vs. 3.66 fi Foment of the Moment 250 € on eu Bizon Won 345€
et 03.11.13 21:00 Controlled Gaming eu 28.60 vs. 1.04 pl Second Massachusetts 250 € on pl sm Won 260€
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