Gambling Stats

pl nORAs's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 6371 Total Set Money 640514 €
Winning Percentage 62 % Losing Percentage 38 %
Total Money 1315.62 € Total Capital 1315.62 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 [ 82 ] 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 [...] 309
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 23.09.10 21:45 Fuzion.ET eu 3.24 vs. 1.45 pl :h - Clan Poland 5 € on pl :h.cpl Lost
et 23.09.10 21:45 blurred-vision pl 4.03 vs. 1.33 cz inteRaction 5 € on cz iR Bet was cancelled
et 23.09.10 21:30 Lost Soldiers de 1.60 vs. 2.67 cz ESVKA ~ Division 2 15 € on de lost^ Won 24€
et 23.09.10 21:30 turbot fi 6.41 vs. 1.18 de The Outcasts 15 € on de OCW Won 18€
et 23.09.10 21:30 i dont know eu 1.28 vs. 4.53 eu two4two 15 € on eu idk Bet was cancelled
et 23.09.10 21:00 9th'Data at 26.77 vs. 1.04 de no Teamplay 5 € on de noT Won 5€
et 23.09.10 21:00 AHK CLAN cz 3.84 vs. 1.35 pl No Skill team 5 € on cz AHK Lost
et 23.09.10 21:00 blurred-vision pl 1.86 vs. 2.16 eu Fuzion.ET 5 € on eu fuZion Won 11€
et 23.09.10 21:00 Most Valuable Players eu 6.62 vs. 1.18 gb Impact Gaming 15 € on gb Impact Won 18€
et 23.09.10 21:00 inteRaction cz 7.58 vs. 1.15 pl :h - Clan Poland 5 € on cz iR Lost
et 23.09.10 21:00 aRachnids Blue fr 2.29 vs. 1.77 pt StopNplay 5 € on pt sNp Won 9€
et 23.09.10 20:45 Fragnatix` eu 1.61 vs. 2.64 pl Infernal Gamers 5 € on pl iG Bet was cancelled
et 23.09.10 20:30 ee 3.14 vs. 1.47 pl 1 € on pl e-@ Bet was cancelled
et 23.09.10 20:30 Edified nl 5.61 vs. 1.22 pl Frogs of War 5 € on nl e^ Draw
et 23.09.10 20:00 inteRaction cz 2.07 vs. 1.93 eu Fuzion.ET 5 € on cz iR Won 10€
et 23.09.10 20:00 :h - Clan Poland pl 1.55 vs. 2.82 pl blurred-vision 1 € on pl bv Lost
et 23.09.10 19:45 Pornoping eu 1.13 vs. 8.96 pl Drugs and Drinks 1 € on pl caned. Lost
et 23.09.10 18:30 crush3r de 1.37 vs. 3.71 fi numbe 5 € on fi numbe Lost
et 22.09.10 19:00 wiSe-guys pl 4.15 vs. 1.32 de 35 € on de cre Lost
et 21.09.10 22:30 Aero Gaming gb 1.24 vs. 5.19 fr Gamerz-Connexion 100 € on gb Aero. Lost
et 21.09.10 20:00 Czarodzieje pl 26.29 vs. 1.04 pl In7 eSports 330 € on pl In7 Won 343€
et 20.09.10 13:00 Horses au 1.02 vs. 62.77 au Fishiez 25 € on au ~,=,^ Won 26€
et 19.09.10 22:00 ee 4.36 vs. 1.30 eu close but no cigar 37 € on eu cc Lost
et 19.09.10 21:45 1stCav eSports Club pl 1.08 vs. 13.17 de no Teamplay 50 € on pl 1stCav Won 54€
et 19.09.10 21:30 eu 2.70 vs. 1.59 pl In7 eSports 50 € on pl In7 Won 80€
1 [...] 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 [ 82 ] 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 [...] 309