Gambling Stats

pl symB's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 78 Total Set Money 5314 €
Winning Percentage 59 % Losing Percentage 41 %
Total Money 110.00 € Total Capital 110 €

Recent Bets

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Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 11.07.08 21:00 Airborn fr 4.29 vs. 1.30 eu Devastation 10 € on fr Airborn Won 43€
et 11.07.08 20:00 Russia ru 1.77 vs. 2.30 jp Japan 15 € on jp JPN Lost
et 10.07.08 21:00 invitium pl 3.66 vs. 1.38 hu 8Bits 3 € on pl invitium Lost
et 10.07.08 21:00 [*EU*]United Soldiers of Europe eu 2.14 vs. 1.88 fr San08 14 € on fr San08 Lost
et 10.07.08 20:00 Team-sektor eu 6.22 vs. 1.19 fi Akentit 12 € on fi akentti Won 14€
qw 09.07.08 21:30 Vicious and Evil eu 1.09 vs. 11.88 pl [1stCav] Multigaming 250 € on eu VAE Won 273€
et 09.07.08 21:00 nl 4.60 vs. 1.28 fi Creatures Of The Night 11 € on nl Knife Lost
et 08.07.08 20:00 TurboApinat fi 4.48 vs. 1.29 eu Authentic Gaming 33 € on eu Auth Won 43€
et 07.07.08 21:00 iNmotion eu 1.90 vs. 2.11 nl Purefragging 14 € on nl PUR3 Lost
et 07.07.08 21:00 Three friends pl 1.09 vs. 12.74 pl chlopcyZmarginesu 12 € on pl 3f Won 13€
et 07.07.08 19:30 NotBustedYet Mixed de 1.28 vs. 4.62 eu animation.kidding 15 € on eu ak Bet was cancelled
et 06.07.08 22:00 -[x]- de 3.43 vs. 1.41 it 44 € on it n1ce Won 62€
et 06.07.08 21:30 nl 4.84 vs. 1.26 pl POBOR 66 € on nl Knife Won 319€
et 06.07.08 21:00 some1s @ easymakers pl 5.19 vs. 1.24 pl winko 87 € on pl eMakers Bet was cancelled
et 06.07.08 21:00 sKyrocket pl 1.09 vs. 11.71 pl Skilled Owned and Pobraned 22 € on pl sKy Bet was cancelled
et 03.07.08 21:00 Three friends pl 1.62 vs. 2.61 es oNe.Ceibe 17 € on es oNe.cib Lost
et 03.07.08 20:30 HighAbility il 1.19 vs. 6.24 pl pur3fr4g 133 € on il hAbility Won 158€
et 02.07.08 21:00 invitium pl 1.56 vs. 2.79 eu oXmoze 29 € on pl invitium Won 45€
et 02.07.08 20:30 HighAbility il 3.66 vs. 1.38 pl FrozenFire 50 € on il hAbility Won 183€
et 29.06.08 20:30 HighAbility il 1.32 vs. 4.10 pl chlopcyZmarginesu 50 € on il hAbility Won 66€
et 08.05.08 21:00 dECLINE pl 9.32 vs. 1.12 ee zero empathy / o2 60 € on pl dECLINE Lost
et 08.05.08 20:15 overload be 5.81 vs. 1.21 gb Impact Gaming 50 € on gb Impact Won 61€
et 04.05.08 21:00 Fear Factory X-Fi pl 3.43 vs. 1.41 eu kirwa kirwanderin kirwurit 80 € on pl FF X-Fi Bet was cancelled
et 01.05.08 21:45 Authentic Gaming eu 1.18 vs. 6.69 pl invitium @ #team-result 54 € on eu Auth Won 64€
et 27.04.08 22:00 Impact Gaming gb 1.92 vs. 2.09 eu FatGames 13 € on eu FG Lost
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