Gambling Stats

pl szczurek's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 9268 Total Set Money 1977720 €
Winning Percentage 65 % Losing Percentage 35 %
Total Money 100.00 € Total Capital 100 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 [ 238 ] 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 [...] 418
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 26.12.11 00:15 bobsmileys jp 1.07 vs. 15.69 de Unbreakable-Gaming Bosses 3on3 10 € on jp 8D Won 11€
et 25.12.11 22:30 RAM kz 1.46 vs. 3.19 nl heroes 3 € on kz RAM Lost
et 25.12.11 19:30 heroes nl 1.11 vs. 10.25 tr MudWrestlers 3 € on nl heroes Won 3€
et 24.12.11 23:15 encrypt gb 2.57 vs. 1.64 fi AKASHA ARTS 20 € on fi AKA Lost
et 23.12.11 19:00 3 against the world eu 1.03 vs. 30.46 nl heroes 70 € on nl heroes Lost
et 22.12.11 23:45 darts-Team pl 1.45 vs. 3.24 eu Direct 50 € on pl darts Won 73€
et 21.12.11 23:15 3 against the world eu 1.37 vs. 3.70 de PIMMELBANDE 10 € on de PB Won 37€
et 21.12.11 20:30 RAM kz 4.38 vs. 1.30 pl tequilas team 10 € on pl tequ Won 13€
et 19.12.11 19:45 de 1.62 vs. 2.60 de team.hmm 10 € on de aCid Lost
et 19.12.11 01:30 Chilean Miners cl 4.07 vs. 1.33 cl die Auslese-Krieger 10 € on cl dak Lost
et 18.12.11 20:45 ogarnijFEJSA pl 100.00 vs. 1.01 be Dead Ringers 10 € on be dr Won 10€
et 18.12.11 15:00 Attack for Allah fi 1.05 vs. 21.96 eu OUTRAGEd eSports 10 € on fi AFA Won 11€
et 17.12.11 18:00 Fatal1ty-skill Red pl 1.47 vs. 3.15 ro United Forces 4 € on ro #UF Lost
et 17.12.11 00:00 jihad eu 1.20 vs. 5.93 ua Sluzhba Bespeky Ukrayiny 3 € on eu jihad Won 4€
et 14.12.11 21:45 pLow - aTTitude fr 1.24 vs. 5.10 ee Juurviljad 10 € on fr pLow Won 12€
et 14.12.11 00:30 3 against the world eu 4.65 vs. 1.27 eu Alliance 60 € on eu ALLIANCE Lost
et 13.12.11 21:45 Take Control pl 1.67 vs. 2.48 eu OUTRAGEd eSports 10 € on eu OUTRAGEd Won 25€
et 13.12.11 20:15 Children of Shadow fr 1.59 vs. 2.69 eu OUTRAGEd eSports 10 € on fr CoS Won 16€
et 11.12.11 22:15 Lost Soldiers de 2.35 vs. 1.74 nl True Destination 5 € on de lost^ Lost
et 11.12.11 20:30 Lost Soldiers de 1.62 vs. 2.62 nl True Destination 30 € on de lost^ Lost
et 11.12.11 15:00 Chile cl 3.54 vs. 1.39 au Australia 10 € on cl CL Won 35€
et 09.12.11 23:15 encrypt gb 1.21 vs. 5.75 eu virtualorgasm 7 € on gb encrypt Lost
et 09.12.11 22:00 dLicious GaminG eu 1.43 vs. 3.33 eu Vindication eSport 10 € on eu Vind Lost
et 08.12.11 23:30 team exitium eu 1.45 vs. 3.22 de Team Survive 2 € on de survive Won 6€
et 08.12.11 21:15 Old Stars Sweden se 1.38 vs. 3.61 eu Vindication eSport 10 € on eu Vind Lost
1 [...] 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 [ 238 ] 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 [...] 418