Gambling Stats

pl szczurek's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 9268 Total Set Money 1977720 €
Winning Percentage 65 % Losing Percentage 35 %
Total Money 100.00 € Total Capital 100 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 [ 272 ] 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 [...] 418
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 19.02.11 15:00 United Forces ro 18.06 vs. 1.06 fr SYMBOLES 50 € on fr sex Bet was cancelled
et 18.02.11 23:00 de 1.90 vs. 2.11 be Der Machines 70 € on be der Won 148€
et 17.02.11 23:15 TRWAM pl 20.68 vs. 1.05 pl idem 60 € on pl idem Won 63€
et 17.02.11 21:00 Oberschlesien! pl 1.19 vs. 6.36 eu Leanujemy 50 € on pl SLASK Won 60€
et 17.02.11 20:00 nQw Dracula ro 1.17 vs. 7.04 ro DMG ELITE 30 € on ro nQw Won 35€
et 16.02.11 23:00 Team Atrox eu 1.42 vs. 3.40 eu 10 € on eu sona Won 34€
et 16.02.11 22:30 Killer's Instinct nl 1.80 vs. 2.26 pl Oberschlesien! 10 € on nl 'ki Bet was cancelled
et 16.02.11 20:30 teamoxid de 1.30 vs. 4.39 pl vodkateam 10 € on de oxid Won 13€
et 15.02.11 21:00 tribus qualitY-et eu 1.76 vs. 2.32 de KG.Clan Attention! 10 € on de kG Lost
et 14.02.11 20:00 fi 1.83 vs. 2.20 cz 10 € on cz NL Lost
et 10.02.11 19:00 Tagapagtanggol pl 1.27 vs. 4.65 de venom.ET 10 € on pl Tagapaga Lost
et 09.02.11 20:00 team brothers ro 2.34 vs. 1.75 eu Leanujemy 10 € on eu Lost
et 08.02.11 20:00 KG.Clan Attention! de 2.47 vs. 1.68 de 10 € on de kG Lost
et 07.02.11 22:15 credibilis. de 1.54 vs. 2.86 cz inteRaction 8 € on de cre. Lost
et 07.02.11 21:00 9th Dimension Wnbpro de 1.88 vs. 2.13 nl Learn 2 Play 20 € on nl L2P Lost
et 07.02.11 20:00 Rulers Of The Deep ee 3.66 vs. 1.38 pl Koot Da Vinci 100 € on pl vinci Lost
et 07.02.11 19:00 #60acc.HK fi 1.28 vs. 4.59 de 9th Dimension Wnbpro 100 € on fi HK Won 128€
et 06.02.11 22:00 Legendary de 3.03 vs. 1.49 eu Runo<3 30 € on de L Won 91€
et 06.02.11 20:30 VIP.Gaming dk 3.40 vs. 1.42 ve Rectangulars @ 20 € on ve b.rECT Won 28€
et 06.02.11 18:30 Team Netherlands #2 nl 1.18 vs. 6.56 no Norway 20 € on nl NED#2 Bet was cancelled
et 06.02.11 17:30 Little.Ger de 5.31 vs. 1.23 de Fullhold 20 € on de fullhold Won 25€
et 06.02.11 13:00 Team France #2 fr 1.09 vs. 12.19 au Australia 20 € on fr 2.FR Won 22€
et 05.02.11 00:00 Holi us 2.05 vs. 1.96 us Monster 10 € on us Monster Bet was cancelled
et 04.02.11 21:00 Obviously.eT eu 1.81 vs. 2.23 ee Fight Arena Trickjumpers 3 € on eu oBV. Lost
et 04.02.11 19:30 noBra!n KIK.AIM de 1.64 vs. 2.56 jm Doctor 20 € on de nB| Lost
1 [...] 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 [ 272 ] 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 [...] 418