Gambling Stats

pl szczurek's Gambling Stats ( Rank 29 / 34 )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 9268 Total Set Money 1977720 €
Winning Percentage 65 % Losing Percentage 35 %
Total Money 100.00 € Total Capital 100 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 [ 311 ] 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 [...] 418
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 24.05.10 22:00 ee 1.03 vs. 40.96 dk Sleeperz 100 € on ee Won 103€
et 24.05.10 21:00 fr 2.65 vs. 1.61 fr 10 € on fr .W$f Won 16€
et 24.05.10 21:00 Smurfs pl 2.82 vs. 1.55 eu 1,000 € on eu dev1ous Won 1,550€
et 24.05.10 21:00 nulli secundus eu 1.30 vs. 4.38 nl DreaM 1,000 € on nl DreaM Bet was cancelled
et 24.05.10 21:00 suffering pl 1.59 vs. 3.51 de Eyes On U 1,000 € on pl SFR Bet was cancelled
et 24.05.10 20:45 Impact Gaming gb 1.06 vs. 16.84 pl squirtle 1,000 € on gb Impact Won 1,060€
et 24.05.10 20:30 Genuine eSports no 25.62 vs. 1.04 fi 1,000 € on fi jari& Bet was cancelled
et 24.05.10 20:30 #warzywka r@g pl 2.77 vs. 1.57 pl new hAbility 1,000 € on pl hAbility Won 1,570€
et 23.05.10 23:45 g2 PLAYAs eu 2.90 vs. 1.53 eu The faggots 1,000 € on eu Fags Lost
et 23.05.10 23:00 fr 3.52 vs. 1.40 eu team exitium 1,000 € on eu ext3 Won 1,400€
urt 23.05.10 22:30 Frenetic Online Xtermination eu 2.14 vs. 1.88 eu Power Puff Girlz 1,000 € on eu -Fox- Bet was cancelled
et 23.05.10 22:00 Belgian Fraternity be 1.07 vs. 16.32 pt Phantoms eSports 10 € on be bF Bet was cancelled
et 23.05.10 22:00 vixit #r@g pt 1.45 vs. 3.25 fr we love you 100 € on pt vi. Bet was cancelled
urt 23.05.10 22:00 Grzmiace Dupy pl 1.63 vs. 4.17 eu Team Haagenti 100 € on pl <GD> Bet was cancelled
et 23.05.10 22:00 Genuine eSports no 12.95 vs. 1.08 eu 100 € on eu sona Won 108€
et 23.05.10 22:00 Monopoly sponsored by #r@g pt 5.87 vs. 1.21 pt euphoria 100 € on pt euphoria Bet was cancelled
et 23.05.10 21:45 fr 1.35 vs. 6.59 fr Airborn 100 € on fr jMMpp Bet was cancelled
et 23.05.10 21:30 TAG eu 1.51 vs. 2.98 eu stronger than hate 100 € on eu TAG Won 151€
et 23.05.10 21:30 Vandals @ Boo7ers eu 2.85 vs. 1.54 pl boozers 100 € on eu vZ. Lost
et 23.05.10 21:30 non-flaming fireballs fi 1.36 vs. 3.79 pl 56 Kompania Specjalna 100 € on fi nffb Won 136€
et 23.05.10 21:30 Team du monde Libre fr 9.41 vs. 1.12 fr Super Mytho Crew 100 € on fr sMc Won 112€
et 23.05.10 21:15 International Gaming pl 6.84 vs. 1.34 pl suffering 100 € on pl SFR Bet was cancelled
et 23.05.10 21:00 Finspastic 5 fi 1.91 vs. 2.10 gb colt 45 and two zig Zags 100 € on gb colt45 Won 210€
et 23.05.10 21:00 Rectangulars. ve 2.09 vs. 1.92 fr sixaim 100 € on ve rECT. Lost
et 23.05.10 20:30 Team Survive de 1.65 vs. 2.53 de sIN.Gaming e.V. 100 € on de sIN Lost
1 [...] 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 [ 311 ] 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 [...] 418