Gambling Stats

pl szczurek's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 9268 Total Set Money 1977720 €
Winning Percentage 65 % Losing Percentage 35 %
Total Money 100.00 € Total Capital 100 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 [ 414 ] 415 416 417 418
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 19.04.08 17:00 Sweden se 1.12 vs. 9.09 jp Gaming yellow monkeys 100 € on se SWE Won 112€
et 18.04.08 22:00 Trivium pl 1.19 vs. 6.35 pl vodkateam 80 € on pl T Lost
et 18.04.08 21:00 Alsace fr 1.36 vs. 3.75 fr Picardie 100 € on fr Alsace Won 136€
et 18.04.08 20:00 eXert @ 54th Gaming pl 1.43 vs. 3.31 eu Divine Intervention v2 100 € on pl 54th Won 143€
et 18.04.08 20:00 vodkateam pl 1.46 vs. 3.15 nl Detonation XL 100 € on pl vodka Lost
et 17.04.08 22:00 Team Vagrants it 9.47 vs. 1.12 eu oceans6 100 € on eu o6 Bet was cancelled
et 17.04.08 21:45 Norway no 1.22 vs. 5.46 pt Portugal 100 € on no NOR Won 122€
et 17.04.08 20:30 Anti #Gaming nl 2.98 vs. 1.50 pl run4skill 30 € on nl Anti Bet was cancelled
et 17.04.08 20:00 Romania ro 4.55 vs. 1.28 be Belgium 100 € on be BEL Won 128€
et 17.04.08 20:00 xxxbot eu 1.10 vs. 11.12 ee glitz 100 € on eu bot Bet was cancelled
et 17.04.08 20:00 Team Coolermaster gb 1.12 vs. 9.33 be Team <[o]> - 8Bits 100 € on gb TCM Bet was cancelled
et 17.04.08 19:15 forliveji de 1.67 vs. 2.50 il dest1ny 100 € on de 4liveje Lost
et 16.04.08 21:30 Cortana hr 5.74 vs. 1.21 eu Vicious and Evil 100 € on eu vae Won 121€
et 16.04.08 21:30 Team Vagrants it 19.03 vs. 1.06 eu One4One 100 € on eu one4one Won 106€
et 16.04.08 21:30 The Gathering Clan gb 1.38 vs. 3.62 es Revuelta 100 € on gb TG Lost
et 16.04.08 21:00 explosionC4 it 1.81 vs. 2.23 il octane 40 € on it eC4 Won 72€
et 16.04.08 20:30 The Gathering Clan gb 2.54 vs. 1.65 pl High Quality 100 € on pl HQ` Won 165€
et 16.04.08 20:00 Great-Method pl 1.19 vs. 6.33 pl 100 € on pl cioty Won 119€
et 16.04.08 20:00 IDOL pl 1.45 vs. 3.22 pl b7-gaming 100 € on pl IDOL Won 145€
et 16.04.08 03:00 Team AthL33ts us 2.64 vs. 1.61 us Alcoholics Anonymous 100 € on us A|A Won 161€
et 15.04.08 21:00 cdap-Black ru 1.31 vs. 4.28 pl invitium @ #team-result 100 € on ru cdap| Lost
et 15.04.08 20:00 overload be 2.81 vs. 1.55 eu kirwa kirwanderin kirwurit 100 € on be ovr Bet was cancelled
et 15.04.08 19:00 Detonation XL nl 2.77 vs. 1.56 fi Marimekko 100 € on nl Deto Won 277€
et 15.04.08 19:00 Previous eu 13.47 vs. 1.08 fi Defix 100 € on fi Defix Lost
et 15.04.08 04:00 oblivion us 6.12 vs. 1.20 us New Age Gaming 100 € on us NAg Bet was cancelled
1 [...] 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 [ 414 ] 415 416 417 418