Gambling Stats

pt stormy's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 2655 Total Set Money 73511 €
Winning Percentage 61 % Losing Percentage 39 %
Total Money 77.39 € Total Capital 77.39 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 5 [ 6 ] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [...] 129
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 21.02.11 21:30 Estonia ee 1.10 vs. 10.84 hr Croatia 10 € on hr CRO Lost
et 21.02.11 21:15 Poland pl 1.06 vs. 16.64 it Italy 10 € on it ITA Lost
et 21.02.11 21:00 Izi 4 Pandas @ National eSport eu 2.50 vs. 1.67 de 9th Dimension Wnbpro 5 € on de 9th Lost
et 21.02.11 20:30 Belgium be 1.15 vs. 7.53 ch Switzerland 20 € on be BEL Won 23€
et 21.02.11 19:00 to Make odds even pl 1.95 vs. 2.05 fi red as a beetroot 20 € on pl tMoe Lost
et 20.02.11 21:30 Team Estonia #1 ee 1.97 vs. 2.03 pl Team Poland #1 20 € on pl 1.PL Lost
et 20.02.11 21:00 Trivium pl 3.57 vs. 1.39 pl to Make odds even 10 € on pl T Bet was cancelled
et 17.02.11 20:00 Northern Europe eu 2.75 vs. 1.57 eu Eastern Europe 20 € on eu East Won 31€
et 15.02.11 22:30 Killer's Instinct nl 3.21 vs. 1.45 de GayLorDzZz 20 € on de GL Won 29€
et 15.02.11 21:30 intensiveNoobs eu 1.88 vs. 2.13 fr 10 € on eu iN Lost
et 15.02.11 21:00 Pistols ru 1.37 vs. 3.68 us Enhanced-Gaming 10 € on us Enhanced Won 37€
et 15.02.11 21:00 theORYGINALS pl 4.30 vs. 1.30 cz inteRaction 20 € on cz iR Won 26€
et 14.02.11 23:30 Estonia ee 1.20 vs. 5.97 se Sweden 5 € on ee EST Bet was cancelled
et 14.02.11 22:15 Eastern Europe eu 1.84 vs. 2.19 eu Southern Europe 10 € on eu South Won 22€
et 14.02.11 22:00 Belgium be 1.11 vs. 9.85 us USA 10 € on be BEL Won 11€
et 14.02.11 21:30 Norway no 1.05 vs. 21.97 ua Ukraine 20 € on no NOR Bet was cancelled
et 14.02.11 21:00 Western Europe eu 1.24 vs. 5.12 eu Northern Europe 20 € on eu West Won 25€
et 14.02.11 21:00 Most Valuable Players eu 1.43 vs. 3.34 fi red as a beetroot 30 € on eu MvP Won 43€
et 13.02.11 23:00 Germany de 1.14 vs. 8.12 it Italy 5 € on it ITA Lost
et 13.02.11 22:00 Switzerland ch 6.68 vs. 1.18 fr France 10 € on ch SUI Lost
et 13.02.11 21:00 nl 2.91 vs. 1.52 eu frozenfingers 10 € on eu frozen Won 15€
et 13.02.11 21:00 Spain es 5.62 vs. 1.22 nl Netherlands 10 € on es ESP Lost
et 13.02.11 21:00 Poland pl 1.25 vs. 5.04 ca Canada 10 € on pl POL Won 13€
et 13.02.11 21:00 Finland fi 1.07 vs. 15.75 hr Croatia 10 € on hr CRO Lost
et 13.02.11 20:45 DogSoldiers Gaming cz 1.87 vs. 2.15 ve Rectangulars @ 10 € on ve b.rECT Won 22€
1 2 3 4 5 [ 6 ] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [...] 129