Gambling Stats

cz EnergizeRr's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 125 Total Set Money 12535 €
Winning Percentage 56 % Losing Percentage 44 %
Total Money 100.00 € Total Capital 100 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 [ 4 ] 5 6
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
qw 04.10.08 20:00 Kapoks eu 3.57 vs. 1.39 es 4Frags.Gaming 90 € on eu Kapoks Lost
et 03.10.08 21:45 EDRAMA jp 20.32 vs. 1.05 de Art of Wolfenstein 81 € on de Team-AoW Won 85€
et 02.10.08 21:00 Team-evolved pt 1.21 vs. 5.76 cz {NL} 2 € on cz {NL} Bet was cancelled
et 02.10.08 20:45 happyface es 1.65 vs. 2.53 de chronix 45 € on es h-face Won 74€
tf2 28.09.08 20:30 jAgarna se 3.32 vs. 1.46 nl FakkelBrigade 24 € on nl [FB] Bet was cancelled
et 27.09.08 20:00 eu 2.17 vs. 1.85 cz {NL} 10 € on cz {NL} Won 19€
et 25.09.08 21:30 reload. eu 1.13 vs. 8.91 fr [SBSL] 520 € on eu reload. Lost
tf2 24.09.08 21:30 dmg. ru 9.62 vs. 1.12 gb Weapons of the rebelion 3 450 € on gb ^wotr3^ Won 504€
tf2 23.09.08 21:00 French Kiss fr 1.40 vs. 3.50 eu Mousetek 100 € on eu Mousetek Lost
tf2 21.09.08 20:00 CZech tactiX TF2 B squad cz 1.88 vs. 2.14 it QuiD - TF2 266 € on it QuiD Won 569€
et 21.09.08 18:00 Eternal Warriors pl 1.21 vs. 5.76 es F1 All Star 220 € on pl eTw' Won 266€
tf2 19.09.08 20:30 CZech tactiX TF2 B squad cz 1.30 vs. 4.29 it o.O' 169 € on cz [CZetaX] Won 220€
tf2 13.09.08 20:00 Crit Rocket hu 1.78 vs. 2.29 fr Lan51 169 € on fr L51 Bet was cancelled
tf2 12.09.08 20:00 imPerial cz 2.68 vs. 1.60 de Cookiemonstrs 63 € on cz [imP] Won 169€
tf2 11.09.08 21:00 Cavaliers RED cz 1.94 vs. 2.08 eu |Friends| 13 € on cz -cav- Bet was cancelled
tf2 11.09.08 20:00 plan-B.TF2 de 1.47 vs. 3.12 ru prior.eSports TF2 27 € on de plan-B Lost
tf2 10.09.08 21:00 Veritas pl 6.38 vs. 1.19 gb Weapons of the rebelion 2 5 € on pl Veritas Won 32€
tf2 10.09.08 21:00 klan:fader se 1.27 vs. 4.74 gb Weapons of the rebelion 3 42 € on se [FADER] Lost
qw 10.09.08 20:30 a.Toon de 7.02 vs. 1.17 pl [1stCav] Multigaming 21 € on pl 1stcav Won 25€
et 10.09.08 20:30 fanatic-Gaming de 2.64 vs. 1.61 de PowerMaurerClanGermany 5 € on de fanatic Won 13€
tf2 09.09.08 21:30 Knifeback Mountaineers eu 2.68 vs. 1.59 es Fuckers Ad Astra 15 € on es F*me Won 24€
tf2 09.09.08 21:30 4 Kings eu 1.11 vs. 9.85 fi Oslo Lions 2 € on fi osLions Lost
et 09.09.08 21:15 divineint eu 6.24 vs. 1.19 il octane 29 € on il octane Won 35€
tf2 09.09.08 21:00 Ubersexuals eu 1.16 vs. 7.43 fr Creativ`TF2 3 € on fr Creativ` Lost
et 09.09.08 20:00 fanatic-Gaming de 1.85 vs. 2.17 de Team - Infinity 7 € on de .iNFi Won 15€
1 2 3 [ 4 ] 5 6