Gambling Stats

ie flushje's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 95 Total Set Money 9781 €
Winning Percentage 34 % Losing Percentage 66 %
Total Money 80.00 € Total Capital 80 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 [ 5 ]
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 05.04.09 22:00 Ireland ie 25.42 vs. 1.04 fr France 10 € on ie IE Bet was cancelled
et 05.04.09 19:00 team - target nl 1.57 vs. 2.74 be beringenMijn 10 € on be bmg Won 27€
et 02.04.09 20:30 punga eu 1.34 vs. 3.92 ru Envoys of Heaven 5 € on ru e0h Lost
et 31.03.09 21:00 Cortana hr 11.47 vs. 1.10 eu Overload 5 € on hr Cor Lost
et 30.03.09 21:45 AntiClimax be 1.68 vs. 2.48 pl suffering 11 € on pl SFR Lost
et 29.03.09 20:30 punga eu 1.13 vs. 8.47 be SaH Gaming 5 € on eu punga Won 6€
et 26.03.09 21:00 Nipple Addiction pt 1.45 vs. 3.20 eu punga 5 € on eu punga Bet was cancelled
et 25.03.09 22:00 Ireland ie 13.96 vs. 1.08 pt Portugal 26 € on ie IE Lost
et 24.03.09 21:00 suffering pl 1.93 vs. 2.08 nl cornu 11 € on pl SFR Won 21€
et 23.03.09 21:00 sAs Gaming - Team GeNeX gb 10.06 vs. 1.11 eu punga 5 € on eu punga Won 6€
et 22.03.09 21:00 punga eu 1.79 vs. 2.26 ee Punk'd 35 € on eu punga Lost
et 15.03.09 21:00 punga eu 3.21 vs. 1.45 fi re-play kajastus 35 € on eu punga Lost
et 12.03.09 21:00 punga eu 2.27 vs. 1.80 pl REBELLION 5 € on eu punga Bet was cancelled
et 08.03.09 21:00 System6 Gaming be 1.29 vs. 4.47 eu punga 15 € on eu punga Lost
et 08.03.09 20:00 Ireland ie 3.62 vs. 1.38 sc Scotland 58 € on ie IE Lost
et 05.03.09 21:00 punga eu 5.17 vs. 1.24 pl suffering 10 € on eu punga Lost
et 26.02.09 21:00 punga eu 1.15 vs. 7.80 hr Guru Gaming 20 € on eu punga Bet was cancelled
et 26.02.09 21:00 punga eu 1.14 vs. 8.25 hr Guru Gaming 25 € on eu punga Won 29€
et 22.02.09 21:00 punga eu 2.78 vs. 1.56 cz 15 € on eu punga Lost
et 22.02.09 20:00 Tyrant gb 14.41 vs. 1.07 at Team Plasa 5 € on at plasa Won 5€
et 18.02.09 22:00 Ireland ie 18.56 vs. 1.06 it Italy 95 € on ie IE Lost
et 10.02.09 21:00 cornu nl 1.79 vs. 2.26 il ancylop 50 € on il ancylop Bet was cancelled
et 25.01.09 19:00 Russia ru 1.05 vs. 22.64 ie Ireland 50 € on ie IE Lost
et 23.10.08 21:30 VPL ie 4.22 vs. 1.31 es oNe.Ceibe 50 € on ie VPL Lost
1 2 3 4 [ 5 ]