Gambling Stats

pl Mario779's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 1413 Total Set Money 353967 €
Winning Percentage 61 % Losing Percentage 39 %
Total Money 20.20 € Total Capital 20.2 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 [ 19 ] 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 [...] 66
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 22.08.11 22:45 Queens eu 1.40 vs. 3.53 eu TAG 100 € on eu Queens Won 140€
et 22.08.11 22:00 TAG eu 1.04 vs. 24.22 pl back 2 kill 6,427 € on eu TAG Won 6,684€
et 21.08.11 22:45 Team Dignitas gb 1.05 vs. 20.96 dk NORDIC-eSport 6,121 € on gb Won 6,427€
et 21.08.11 21:00 Chti fr 1.42 vs. 3.38 hu 8Bits 500 € on hu 8Bits Won 1,690€
et 21.08.11 21:00 Team Dignitas gb 1.07 vs. 14.84 pl to Make odds even 4,141 € on gb Won 4,431€
et 21.08.11 18:30 3 against the world eu 1.56 vs. 2.80 ee low+ 2,975 € on eu 3atw Won 4,641€
et 21.08.11 17:00 SYMBOLES fr 1.08 vs. 13.48 pl Funny Farm 2,755 € on fr sex Won 2,975€
et 20.08.11 22:45 Supski eu 55.50 vs. 1.02 fi cAre gaming 250 € on fi cAre Won 255€
et 19.08.11 03:00 IntermittentExplosiveDisorder us 1.36 vs. 3.77 co Col&Roll 250 € on us IED Lost
et 16.08.11 01:15 ofc ofc vent vent eu 1.04 vs. 27.93 de 500 € on eu ofc ofc Won 520€
et 16.08.11 00:15 turbot fi 1.05 vs. 20.76 nl vital Gaming 250 € on nl vital Lost
et 16.08.11 00:15 Queens eu 1.03 vs. 30.54 pl wiSe-guys 25 € on eu Queens Won 26€
et 15.08.11 23:45 Team mythica pl 1.07 vs. 15.58 de PenisQuetscher 250 € on pl mythica Won 268€
et 15.08.11 22:15 PIMMELBANDE de 1.28 vs. 4.52 es happyface 2,509 € on de PB Won 3,212€
et 15.08.11 21:15 turbot fi 2.98 vs. 1.50 eu Queens 1,673 € on eu Queens Won 2,510€
et 15.08.11 18:15 Catharsis bullet Zealot fr 1.21 vs. 5.73 pl wiSe-guys 250 € on pl wiSe Lost
et 14.08.11 19:00 thefinest fi 1.09 vs. 12.37 fi 250 € on fi thef Won 273€
et 14.08.11 00:30 Epic #epic-eSports fr 1.56 vs. 2.79 eu ofc ofc vent vent 681 € on eu ofc ofc Won 1,900€
et 11.08.11 22:30 Queens eu 1.35 vs. 3.90 pl darts-Team 10 € on eu Queens Won 14€
et 11.08.11 21:45 we FORGOT our name eu 3.65 vs. 1.38 fr Catharsis bullet Zealot 19 € on fr CbZ Won 26€
et 11.08.11 14:30 wiSe-guys pl 1.17 vs. 6.95 fi Kolme Raitaa 4 € on fi KolmeR Won 28€
et 11.08.11 02:30 IntermittentExplosiveDisorder us 1.57 vs. 2.75 cl Chilean Miners 50 € on cl miners Won 138€
et 10.08.11 21:45 turbot fi 1.68 vs. 2.47 ie Ultraviolet Gaming 333 € on fi turbot Won 559€
et 09.08.11 22:30 noBra!n KIK.AIM de 1.55 vs. 2.82 xi Fuck The Name 55 € on de nB| Lost
et 09.08.11 21:00 dwukropekha pl 1.04 vs. 28.16 be romanian rebelz 373 € on pl :h Won 388€
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