Gambling Stats

be uZero's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 249 Total Set Money 6015 €
Winning Percentage 57 % Losing Percentage 43 %
Total Money 26.55 € Total Capital 26.55 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [ 8 ] 9 10 11 12
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 25.03.09 22:00 Ireland ie 13.96 vs. 1.08 pt Portugal 5 € on ie IE Lost
et 25.03.09 21:30 [*EU*]United Soldiers of Europe eu 2.32 vs. 1.75 pl suffering 4 € on pl SFR Won 7€
et 25.03.09 21:30 AntiClimax be 1.23 vs. 5.43 es happyface 10 € on es h-face Lost
et 25.03.09 21:00 San08 fr 1.20 vs. 6.09 gb sAs Gaming - Team GeNeX 5 € on gb sAs Lost
et 25.03.09 20:30 8Bits/FiF*Green* be 4.85 vs. 1.26 eu S. N. Battalion 22 € on eu SNB Won 28€
et 24.03.09 22:30 omnia#Snp pt 10.64 vs. 1.10 be 8Bits/FiF*Green* 32 € on be 8B|FiFg Bet was cancelled
et 24.03.09 21:00 S. N. Battalion eu 1.12 vs. 9.01 pl diversus 18 € on eu SNB Won 20€
et 24.03.09 21:00 suffering pl 1.93 vs. 2.08 nl cornu 34 € on nl cornu Lost
et 23.03.09 22:00 H2k Gaming eu 1.08 vs. 13.85 eu Authentic Gaming 46 € on eu H2k Won 50€
et 23.03.09 22:00 Impact Gaming gb 1.07 vs. 14.47 fr dESIRE 10 € on fr dESIRE Lost
et 22.03.09 22:00 France fr 4.72 vs. 1.27 nl Netherlands 46 € on nl NED Won 58€
et 22.03.09 21:15 pinpals es 4.55 vs. 1.28 hr Cortana 10 € on es pinpals Lost
et 22.03.09 21:00 FatGames ET eu 7.40 vs. 1.16 ee OxyGen-Gaming 5 € on eu FG Lost
et 22.03.09 19:00 Cabbage Farmers gb 33.82 vs. 1.03 be 8Bits/FiF*Green* 4 € on gb [CF] Lost
et 19.03.09 21:00 Croatia hr 1.17 vs. 6.80 il Israel 5 € on il ISR Lost
et 19.03.09 21:00 Nipple Addiction pt 1.25 vs. 5.08 be Strenght And Honor 4 € on be SaH Lost
et 19.03.09 21:00 Art of Wolfenstein de 2.63 vs. 1.62 eu aToOn esports 10 € on eu aToOn Won 16€
et 19.03.09 20:30 oceans6 eu 2.06 vs. 1.94 pl invitium 10 € on eu o6 Won 21€
et 18.03.09 23:00 omnia#Snp pt 1.34 vs. 3.92 es aurea #a.toOn 15 € on pt omnia Won 20€
et 18.03.09 22:00 sWat si 1.59 vs. 2.69 be AntiClimax 10 € on be aClmx Lost
et 18.03.09 21:30 TAG eu 1.21 vs. 5.77 eu asd. 43 € on eu TAG Won 52€
et 18.03.09 20:45 Art of Wolfenstein de 1.05 vs. 23.16 pl heartZ 7 € on pl heartZ Lost
et 17.03.09 21:00 S. N. Battalion eu 1.18 vs. 6.42 eu Authentic Gaming 30 € on eu SNB Won 35€
et 16.03.09 20:15 minus Gaming d0xology de 1.18 vs. 6.70 pl Girl-Team 20 € on de minus/ Won 24€
et 15.03.09 22:00 ButtonBashers eu 1.48 vs. 3.07 eu TAG 31 € on eu bb Won 46€
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [ 8 ] 9 10 11 12