Gambling Stats

pl prism's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 88 Total Set Money 30742 €
Winning Percentage 47 % Losing Percentage 53 %
Total Money 0.00 € Total Capital 0 €

Recent Bets

1 [ 2 ] 3 4 5
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 18.08.10 16:45 clan.6 pl 2.42 vs. 1.71 pl blurred-vision 292 € on pl bv Lost
et 15.08.10 23:15 3 against the world eu 1.95 vs. 2.05 fr heroes4ever 150 € on eu 3atw Won 293€
et 15.08.10 21:00 Team Dignitas gb 2.27 vs. 1.79 fi Fintastic 5 78 € on fi F5 Won 140€
et 14.08.10 21:00 Eyjafjallajokull eu 1.13 vs. 8.53 de Die Kunden 60 € on eu Eyjafja Won 68€
et 12.08.10 21:30 Team Survive de 3.79 vs. 1.36 pl Polish Game Control 50 € on pl PGC Bet was cancelled
et 30.07.10 20:00 Gamerz Connexion eu 3.43 vs. 1.41 eu Zero Empathy 290 € on eu 0E Lost
et 30.07.10 08:30 #ALMIGHTY.ET xi 1.04 vs. 28.10 eu 279 € on xi ALMIGHTY Won 290€
et 28.07.10 20:00 innerSense eu 1.30 vs. 4.36 fi thefinest 215 € on eu is Won 280€
et 27.07.10 21:00 Logitech Hardcore pl 1.87 vs. 2.15 us ET - web 100 € on us www Won 215€
et 15.07.10 22:30 Team Dignitas gb 2.04 vs. 1.96 fi Fintastic 5 216 € on fi F5 Lost
et 14.07.10 22:15 Frogs of War pl 1.19 vs. 6.40 eu Vital-Gaming 216 € on pl fROGS Draw
et 13.07.10 22:00 Polish Game Control pl 2.94 vs. 1.51 be aestas 60 € on pl PGC Won 176€
et 30.06.10 21:00 TAG eu 5.19 vs. 1.24 de SPEEDLINK 40 € on eu TAG Lost
et 27.06.10 21:00 Fintastic 5 fi 1.05 vs. 19.28 dk Sleeperz 20 € on dk zZz Bet was cancelled
et 27.06.10 21:00 Belgian Fraternity be 3.41 vs. 1.41 eu i dont know 30 € on be bF Lost
et 22.06.10 13:30 Horses au 6.14 vs. 1.19 jp Harakiri Gaming 60 € on au ~,=,^ Lost
et 06.06.10 21:00 1stCav eSports Club pl 21.99 vs. 1.05 fi Fintastic 5 100 € on pl 1stCav Lost
et 29.05.10 18:30 omega soldiers pl 10.76 vs. 1.10 pl to Make odds even 100 € on pl ^omg Bet was cancelled
et 29.05.10 10:15 omega soldiers pl 1.71 vs. 2.62 pl dECLINE 100 € on pl dECLINE Bet was cancelled
et 20.05.10 21:00 In7 eSports pl 1.62 vs. 2.61 pl 50 € on pl In7 Won 81€
et 14.05.10 17:30 fr 1.15 vs. 7.65 eu Leuven 130 € on eu Leuven Lost
et 09.05.10 20:30 team overplay pl 2.41 vs. 1.71 pl In7 eSports 100 € on pl oY Bet was cancelled
et 06.05.10 20:00 Pharaons fr 1.47 vs. 3.13 pl In7 eSports 100 € on pl In7 Bet was cancelled
et 11.04.10 19:30 iNmotion eu 1.28 vs. 4.56 eu Vital-Gaming 54 € on eu vital. Bet was cancelled
et 07.04.10 19:30 All Friends Online nl 8.05 vs. 1.14 eu Vital-Gaming 30 € on eu vital. Won 34€
1 [ 2 ] 3 4 5