Gambling Stats

ch RevoX's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 223 Total Set Money 28795 €
Winning Percentage 54 % Losing Percentage 46 %
Total Money 30.00 € Total Capital 30 €

Recent Bets

1 2 [ 3 ] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 23.01.11 22:00 Die Machines be 1.35 vs. 8.72 de Team Armageddon 80 € on be .be Bet was cancelled
et 23.01.11 21:15 de 6.15 vs. 1.19 cz 150 € on de KOMPOST Bet was cancelled
et 23.01.11 21:15 team exitium eu 1.19 vs. 6.22 nl vital Gaming 165 € on eu ext3 Won 196€
et 23.01.11 21:15 hurtful eu 1.18 vs. 6.64 fr ET4LIFE 5 € on fr ET4 Lost
et 23.01.11 21:00 Justfire pl 1.41 vs. 3.46 eu Izi 4 Pandas @ National eSport 50 € on eu PANDAS Bet was cancelled
et 23.01.11 21:00 Team Decerto nl 1.38 vs. 3.64 pl to Make odds even 250 € on nl decerto Lost
et 23.01.11 21:00 Rulers Of The Deep ee 17.54 vs. 1.06 fi 10 € on ee Lost
et 23.01.11 21:00 Team Atrox eu 1.18 vs. 6.57 fr 150 € on eu atrox Lost
et 23.01.11 21:00 es 16.57 vs. 1.06 cz inteRaction 20 € on es delin Bet was cancelled
et 23.01.11 21:00 AntiClimax be 4.14 vs. 1.32 fi turbot 150 € on fi turbot Lost
et 23.01.11 21:00 Exorcists cz 1.36 vs. 3.80 pl Clan Military Forces 150 € on cz exo Won 204€
et 23.01.11 21:00 nOu way eu 3.65 vs. 1.38 eu Team gZilla 150 € on eu gZilla Won 207€
et 23.01.11 21:00 Pistols ru 1.63 vs. 2.59 se addicted 2 id 250 € on ru Pistols Won 408€
et 23.01.11 21:00 VIP.Gaming dk 9.52 vs. 1.12 de 250 € on de reVeal Won 280€
et 23.01.11 20:00 VIP.Gaming dk 1.50 vs. 3.01 nl 150 € on dk VIP Lost
et 23.01.11 20:00 Team Iceland is 1.82 vs. 2.22 pl Team Poland #3 150 € on is ICE Won 273€
et 23.01.11 20:00 nOu way eu 3.10 vs. 1.48 nl Enge Mannen Op slippers 100 € on eu nOu Won 310€
et 23.01.11 20:00 Gunslingers cz 1.03 vs. 35.35 cz BaNneD#Clan 1 € on cz BaNneD Lost
et 23.01.11 20:00 Team Estonia #1 ee 1.20 vs. 5.97 fr Team France #1 150 € on ee 1.EE Lost
et 23.01.11 20:00 Sweden se 1.20 vs. 5.90 hr Croatia 120 € on se SWE Won 144€
et 23.01.11 19:30 Team Poland #2 pl 3.13 vs. 1.47 be Team Belgium #2 150 € on be 2.BE Bet was cancelled
et 23.01.11 19:15 Team Finland #1 fi 1.25 vs. 4.97 no Norway 150 € on fi 1.FI Won 188€
et 23.01.11 19:00 Team Netherlands #1 nl 1.35 vs. 3.87 ee Team Estonia #2 150 € on nl 1.NL Won 203€
et 23.01.11 19:00 imAge Team pl 1.79 vs. 2.43 jm Doctor 20 € on jm dOCTER Bet was cancelled
et 23.01.11 19:00 Team Germany #2 de 1.24 vs. 5.21 at Austria 150 € on de GER#2 Lost
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