Gambling Stats

es re-txino's Gambling Stats ( Rank 4 / 36 )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 6253 Total Set Money 994348 €
Winning Percentage 37 % Losing Percentage 63 %
Total Money 774.98 € Total Capital 774.98 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 [ 122 ] 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 [...] 296
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 30.10.11 22:00 OUTRAGEd eSports eu 2.21 vs. 1.87 ca High Fidelity 113 € on eu OUTRAGEd Bet was cancelled
et 30.10.11 21:30 zeroskill pl 1.72 vs. 2.39 eg noobid 250 € on pl zs Bet was cancelled
et 30.10.11 21:30 team - target nl 1.17 vs. 16.81 de Teamoxid - wnbpro 500 € on nl trgt Bet was cancelled
et 30.10.11 21:30 monks eu 4.11 vs. 1.32 ee ex_interp 0.01 227 € on ee ex_inter Lost
ql 30.10.11 21:30 k1llsen de 1.09 vs. 12.62 de amity twister 50 € on de twister Lost
et 30.10.11 21:15 Energy pl 2.35 vs. 1.75 fr freelance 250 € on pl e! Bet was cancelled
et 30.10.11 21:15 #Team-VorteX eu 8.53 vs. 1.13 eu mikeh's low gamers 250 € on eu mLG Won 283€
et 30.10.11 21:00 encrypt gb 8.66 vs. 1.13 pl back 2 kill 50 € on gb encrypt Lost
et 30.10.11 21:00 TEAM warpig| de 1.58 vs. 2.73 de Team xlibres 250 € on de xls Lost
et 30.10.11 21:00 Deuger be 1.98 vs. 2.03 de _underrated 250 € on be Deuger Bet was cancelled
et 30.10.11 21:00 TAG eu 2.31 vs. 1.76 de teamoxid 250 € on eu TAG Lost
et 30.10.11 21:00 inteRaction cz 2.97 vs. 1.51 ee K1ck eSports Club 250 € on ee k1ck Won 378€
et 30.10.11 21:00 eu 34.43 vs. 1.03 de PowerMaurerClanGermany 203 € on de PMCG Won 209€
et 30.10.11 21:00 disQonnect de 1.45 vs. 3.24 fi turbot 250 € on de dQ Won 363€
et 30.10.11 21:00 Devastation eu 1.18 vs. 6.56 fi BibleBelt 50 € on fi BBL Lost
ql 30.10.11 20:30 AMITY dKsl de 6.00 vs. 1.20 de bw psyrex 50 € on de psyrex Lost
et 30.10.11 20:15 Exorcists cz 1.53 vs. 2.89 cz Bones 250 € on cz bones Lost
et 30.10.11 20:15 Team Decerto nl 1.44 vs. 3.27 eu stronger than hate 250 € on eu sth Lost
ql 30.10.11 20:00 oxid siLw de 6.20 vs. 1.85 at odihimself 250 € on at odi Bet was cancelled
et 30.10.11 20:00 Z salamapartio fi 2.08 vs. 1.93 ro Romanian Rebels 100 € on ro rr Lost
ql 30.10.11 19:30 TDM1 T1E at 18.70 vs. 1.06 de R1EPA 100 € on de R1EPA Won 106€
et 30.10.11 12:00 Horses au 2.96 vs. 1.51 nl Team Decerto 500 € on au ~,=,^ Lost
et 28.10.11 21:00 Nyan Gaming fr 1.07 vs. 16.08 fr For the fun 250 € on fr FtF Lost
et 27.10.11 22:00 TAG eu 4.99 vs. 1.25 eu gaming2perfection 250 € on eu TAG Lost
et 27.10.11 21:30 GameFrog fr 1.26 vs. 4.81 se addicted 2 id 500 € on fr gFrog Lost
1 [...] 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 [ 122 ] 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 [...] 296