Gambling Stats

es re-txino's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 6266 Total Set Money 996197 €
Winning Percentage 37 % Losing Percentage 63 %
Total Money 100.00 € Total Capital 100 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 [ 41 ] 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 [...] 297
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 15.06.14 19:30 BaNaNa\'s nl 7.11 vs. 1.16 nl EA gMen 250 € on nl BaNaNas Lost
et 13.06.14 16:30 xProject pl 1.07 vs. 15.82 pl Bizony 2,500 € on pl xPro Bet was cancelled
rtcw 11.06.14 20:00 underscore hu 4.72 vs. 1.27 at Clown Punchers 500 € on hu _und Lost
et 11.06.14 19:45 Talented nl 1.30 vs. 4.34 pl SWIAT WEDLUG KIEPSKICH 250 € on pl SWK Lost
et 11.06.14 17:15 Talented nl 2.86 vs. 1.54 eu Team-Visual 1,000 € on nl Talented Lost
et 11.06.14 13:15 xProject pl 1.82 vs. 2.22 nl esaihC 250 € on pl xPro Won 455€
et 10.06.14 23:15 Descendants of Stars eu 6.70 vs. 1.18 eu WINNERMANS 500 € on eu DOS Lost
et 10.06.14 23:00 Hodor eu 6.23 vs. 1.19 eu Malibu 250 € on eu ho Won 1,558€
et 10.06.14 22:30 Western Europe eu 1.18 vs. 6.68 eu Eastern Europe 250 € on eu East Lost
et 10.06.14 22:15 Forward Momentum us 1.85 vs. 2.18 eu randomZ 250 € on us )>>( Lost
et 10.06.14 22:00 Hodor eu 34.38 vs. 1.03 nl Team NL 250 € on eu ho Lost
et 10.06.14 21:15 Northern Europe eu 1.14 vs. 8.40 eu Southern Europe 250 € on eu South Bet was cancelled
et 10.06.14 21:00 Germany de 1.23 vs. 5.40 fi Finland 1,000 € on fi FIN Lost
et 10.06.14 19:00 FOLLOW 3 BANANAS eu 1.73 vs. 2.37 eu One Way 250 € on eu 1| Won 593€
et 10.06.14 16:15 Malibu eu 1.43 vs. 3.32 pl SPOCENI W LODOWCE 1,000 € on pl SwL Lost
et 10.06.14 00:15 xProject pl 1.25 vs. 5.03 pl Second Massachusetts 2,500 € on pl xPro Lost
et 09.06.14 22:15 Hodor eu 1.18 vs. 6.68 nl gentleMen 2,000 € on nl gMen Won 13,360€
et 09.06.14 21:30 Estonia ee 1.27 vs. 4.71 be Belgium 250 € on ee EST Won 318€
et 09.06.14 21:30 turbot fi 1.20 vs. 6.05 pl wiSe-guys 1,000 € on pl wiSe Lost
rtcw 08.06.14 20:00 501st Legion us 1.85 vs. 2.18 us Victorious Secrets 1,000 € on us VS Won 2,180€
et 06.06.14 23:00 SUPERSANKARIT eu 1.30 vs. 4.28 ee TWO COOL GUYS FROM EGYPT 2,500 € on eu sups Bet was cancelled
et 05.06.14 21:00 Forward Momentum us 3.64 vs. 1.38 eu Hodor 500 € on eu ho Won 690€
rtcw 05.06.14 19:00 underscore hu 1.55 vs. 2.83 at <3 Potter 500 € on hu _und Won 775€
et 05.06.14 16:15 Doctor de 3.61 vs. 1.38 eu craze 1,000 € on de + Lost
et 04.06.14 22:30 Malibu eu 1.67 vs. 2.48 eu Hodor 1,000 € on eu ho Lost
1 [...] 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 [ 41 ] 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 [...] 297