Gambling Stats

de sufu4life's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 43 Total Set Money 667 €
Winning Percentage 56 % Losing Percentage 44 %
Total Money 100.00 € Total Capital 100 €

Recent Bets

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Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
rtcw 20.04.09 21:45 Fixed fi 1.07 vs. 16.10 eu indomitus 2 € on eu ind Lost
et 19.04.09 20:00 H2k Gaming eu 1.10 vs. 11.21 eu sYnck.Scythe 4 € on eu sYnck Bet was cancelled
et 19.04.09 19:00 pl 1.27 vs. 4.71 nl Purefragging 2 € on nl PUR3 Won 9€
et 19.04.09 19:00 Caesar Team es 1.30 vs. 4.28 es Cew 2 € on es Cew Lost
et 19.04.09 19:00 Live iz brutal pl 3.76 vs. 1.36 eu software 2 € on pl LIVE! Lost
et 19.04.09 19:00 Bloodspawn fi 6.18 vs. 1.19 eu Splendid Gaming 14 € on eu Splendid Won 17€
et 18.04.09 21:00 software eu 2.79 vs. 1.56 eu #iNS4NE 15 € on eu !=! Bet was cancelled
et 17.04.09 20:45 Ein Killa Heartz pl 6.98 vs. 1.17 ee ECK-Gaming 10 € on ee ECK Won 12€
et 17.04.09 19:30 xZist - Gaming gb 1.23 vs. 5.29 eu CrYtek 10 € on gb xZist Won 12€
tf2 16.04.09 20:30 Pixel Warriors White cz 1.20 vs. 6.11 fr blitz. 14 € on cz [PW] Lost
et 16.04.09 20:00 Girl-Team pl 1.48 vs. 3.07 pl Live iz brutal 15 € on pl gT Won 22€
et 15.04.09 22:00 Team Celsus pl 3.55 vs. 1.39 eu Overload.SNB 20 € on pl Celsus Lost
et 15.04.09 21:15 Sleeperz dk 1.09 vs. 11.77 eu InfernaL 5 € on eu InfernaL Lost
et 15.04.09 21:00 Overload.SNB eu 1.94 vs. 2.06 eu ButtonBashers 20 € on eu ovr Lost
et 14.04.09 21:15 CPC# fr 10.34 vs. 1.11 pl team overplay 5 € on pl oY Won 6€
et 14.04.09 21:00 Authentic Gaming eu 7.25 vs. 1.16 eu ButtonBashers 5 € on eu bb Won 6€
et 14.04.09 21:00 Sado fr 3.63 vs. 1.38 eu Titanz 3 € on fr S@DO Won 11€
et 14.04.09 21:00 Overload.SNB eu 1.03 vs. 34.74 eu [*EU*]United Soldiers of Europe 10 € on eu ovr Won 10€
et 14.04.09 20:30 S'agapo gr 1.22 vs. 5.54 nl Mind Controllers 4 € on gr S'agapo Lost
et 14.04.09 20:00 Authentic Gaming eu 2.18 vs. 1.85 nl accurate 5 € on eu Auth Lost
tmf 14.04.09 20:00 Republika Herbaciana pl 9.62 vs. 1.12 hu FightClub 10 € on hu FC Won 11€
et 14.04.09 19:00 eu 1.46 vs. 3.17 fi deeKut 5 € on eu vision Won 7€
et 13.04.09 21:00 The Next pl 1.27 vs. 4.68 eu alvi 15 € on pl next Won 19€
et 13.04.09 21:00 versatile.ET gb 1.42 vs. 3.39 nl Abcent - Gaming 10 € on gb verS/. Bet was cancelled
et 13.04.09 20:00 wEeeeee es 1.23 vs. 5.28 pl latajace wiewiorki 5 € on es wEeeeee Won 6€
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