Gambling Stats

fr D1me's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 336 Total Set Money 30342 €
Winning Percentage 43 % Losing Percentage 57 %
Total Money 88.65 € Total Capital 88.65 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 5 [ 6 ] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 30.03.10 21:00 AHK CLAN cz 77.90 vs. 1.01 pl Impuls-Gaming e.V. ET 1 € on cz AHK Lost
et 30.03.10 21:00 punga eu 1.67 vs. 2.50 pl eXert 10 € on pl eXert Won 25€
et 30.03.10 21:00 MaTriX pl 1.08 vs. 13.48 pl wengoo 5 € on pl wengoo Lost
et 29.03.10 22:30 OVERLOAd be 1.83 vs. 2.21 be Belgian Fraternity 15 € on be ovr Won 27€
et 29.03.10 22:00 aces de 1.55 vs. 2.82 ee 5 € on ee Squad Won 14€
et 29.03.10 21:30 OVERLOAd be 1.12 vs. 9.66 nl DreaM 1 € on nl DreaM Won 10€
et 29.03.10 21:30 Anexis - eSports de 1.97 vs. 2.03 dk VIP-Gaming 5 € on dk VIP Won 10€
et 29.03.10 21:00 Impuls-Gaming e.V. ET pl 93.09 vs. 1.01 de Art of Wolfenstein 5 € on pl I5 Lost
et 29.03.10 21:00 oXimize pl 1.33 vs. 4.03 pl Delvix by Conspiration eSports 10 € on pl dlvX Won 40€
et 28.03.10 21:30 se 1.72 vs. 2.40 eu Vital-Gaming 10 € on eu vital. Won 24€
et 28.03.10 21:00 quaco eu 1.18 vs. 6.52 pl heartZ 5 € on pl heartZ Lost
et 28.03.10 21:00 nulli secundus eu 1.39 vs. 3.58 de HighBot 20 € on de HB Bet was cancelled
et 28.03.10 21:00 erAse #DevineGaming eu 1.10 vs. 11.48 pl Whore House 5 € on pl wh Won 57€
et 28.03.10 21:00 Frogz Squad fr 1.61 vs. 2.63 de Art of Wolfenstein 20 € on de Team-AoW Lost
et 27.03.10 23:15 eu 3.07 vs. 1.48 eu baserace winners 20 € on eu BASE Bet was cancelled
et 25.03.10 21:00 Spain es 1.79 vs. 2.26 cz Czech Republic 23 € on es ESP Won 41€
et 24.03.10 21:00 Bangbros nl 2.20 vs. 1.83 fr CPC poulpes 10 € on nl b,BROS Lost
et 24.03.10 21:00 angelDust - nkNn eu 1.32 vs. 4.16 es xt6 Gaming 30 € on es xt6 Won 125€
et 24.03.10 20:45 aToOn - xPz ee 1.61 vs. 2.65 eu vibe 20 € on eu vibe Won 53€
et 24.03.10 20:45 oVertime fr 14.20 vs. 1.08 ve Rectangulars. 5 € on fr oVertime Lost
et 23.03.10 21:00 TAG eu 1.94 vs. 2.06 dk Sleeperz 30 € on dk zZz Won 62€
et 23.03.10 21:00 zeroE - randomz eu 1.31 vs. 4.24 es xt6 Gaming 20 € on es xt6 Won 85€
et 22.03.10 21:00 splendid nl 2.70 vs. 1.59 fi Zero Empathy turboApinat 50 € on fi 0E. tA Lost
et 22.03.10 21:00 All Friends Online nl 2.95 vs. 1.51 pl Clan Military Forces 15 € on nl aFo Lost
et 22.03.10 20:15 Business District de 10.11 vs. 1.11 de no Teamplay 5 € on de bd Lost
1 2 3 4 5 [ 6 ] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15