Gambling Stats

nl Sickness's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 57 Total Set Money 2629 €
Winning Percentage 42 % Losing Percentage 58 %
Total Money 576.44 € Total Capital 576.44 €

Recent Bets

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Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 11.05.11 18:30 RR CLAN ro 2.84 vs. 1.54 ro High 250 € on ro h. Won 385€
et 10.05.11 20:30 boozers pl 2.35 vs. 1.74 ee glitz 200 € on pl boozers Lost
et 16.08.10 19:30 Team Dignitas gb 3.68 vs. 1.37 fi Fintastic 5 50 € on gb Lost
et 15.08.10 20:00 Team Dignitas gb 2.27 vs. 1.79 fi Fintastic 5 386 € on fi F5 Won 691€
et 19.10.09 20:00 Team-YoYoTech gb 1.37 vs. 3.69 eu asd. 284 € on gb YYT.ET Won 389€
et 18.10.09 20:00 roYality-eSports de 4.61 vs. 1.28 be System6 Gaming 5 € on be system6 Lost
et 18.10.09 20:00 TAGGERS eu 1.30 vs. 4.35 de sIN.Gaming e.V. 260 € on eu TAGGERS Bet was cancelled
et 18.10.09 19:30 Belgian Fraternity be 1.20 vs. 5.89 eu aHead./. 5 € on be bF Won 6€
et 18.10.09 19:00 de 1.14 vs. 8.16 de myRevenge e.V. ET Germany 5 € on de reVeal Won 6€
et 18.10.09 19:00 aFo! FaaL nl 2.81 vs. 1.55 pl Quiet Frag 5 € on pl QF Bet was cancelled
et 07.10.09 20:00 Wandering Star hr 1.07 vs. 15.39 pl suffering 80 € on hr Wanderin Won 86€
et 07.10.09 20:00 Gies-Gaming fr 7.33 vs. 1.16 it 5 € on it n1ce Won 6€
et 07.10.09 19:45 nopraxnotaxnohax so 1.48 vs. 3.09 ru 6 angels 5 € on so NPNTNH Lost
et 07.10.09 19:15 slayers team pl 1.14 vs. 7.99 eu Yatta 100 € on pl sT Bet was cancelled
et 07.10.09 19:00 Team Survive de 1.16 vs. 7.11 de team.hmm 80 € on de survive Won 93€
et 04.10.09 21:00 GLITZ-ESPORTS eu 3.11 vs. 1.47 eu TAG 184 € on eu TAG Won 270€
et 29.09.09 19:30 underscore hu 7.62 vs. 1.15 eu randomers 5 € on hu und_ Lost
et 28.09.09 19:30 Titanz eu 6.31 vs. 1.19 eu cuntmasters. 156 € on eu cmasters Won 186€
et 28.09.09 19:00 ofc ofc vent vent eu 1.27 vs. 4.64 eu baq i mikeh i myszal 123 € on eu ofc ofc Won 156€
et 25.09.09 18:00 Selected Gaming fi 4.66 vs. 1.27 nl 9th-Dimension Heroes 97 € on nl Heroess Won 123€
et 21.09.09 20:00 Lost Soldiers de 2.41 vs. 1.71 eu xSo| 15 € on eu erAse Won 26€
et 21.09.09 20:00 diLemma es 4.34 vs. 1.30 se ORDER-Gaming 4 € on es dLm Lost
et 21.09.09 20:00 cz 1.65 vs. 2.55 it eXtreMe SolDierS 10 € on cz NL Bet was cancelled
et 21.09.09 19:15 slayers team pl 1.90 vs. 2.11 pl Kolorowe Kredki clan 4 € on pl sT Bet was cancelled
et 21.09.09 19:00 Titanz eu 2.25 vs. 1.80 pl 5 € on eu Titanz Lost
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