Gambling Stats

fi Miksuvaan's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 2049 Total Set Money 1167350 €
Winning Percentage 53 % Losing Percentage 47 %
Total Money 59002.47 € Total Capital 59002.47 €

Recent Bets

1 2 [ 3 ] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [...] 91
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 07.02.21 21:00 clowns eu 3.76 vs. 1.36 eu Team Locked Up 1,000 € on eu O-O Lost
et 07.02.21 21:00 Champions Club eu 1.34 vs. 3.90 eu BONOBOS 100 € on eu BNBS Lost
et 07.02.21 20:00 PUSSYBASHERS eu 1.15 vs. 7.59 pl DRAFTCUPWINNERS 2K21 500 € on pl DCW Bet was cancelled
et 07.02.21 20:00 HappySixFriends nl 1.43 vs. 3.34 eu Fudcup 569 € on eu Fudcup Won 1,900€
et 31.01.21 21:30 Swani's Angels eu 1.88 vs. 2.14 eu clowns 500 € on eu clowns Won 1,070€
et 31.01.21 21:10 The League of Legitimate Zimbabw eu 1.06 vs. 16.42 eu Fudcup 1,000 € on eu lBz Lost
et 31.01.21 21:00 Aimtastic eu 1.71 vs. 2.41 eu BONOBOS 1,037 € on eu BNBS Won 2,499€
et 24.01.21 21:15 Champions Club eu 3.71 vs. 1.37 nl HappySixFriends 500 € on eu CC Lost
et 24.01.21 20:00 The League of Legitimate Zimbabw eu 1.46 vs. 3.16 eu BONOBOS 500 € on eu BNBS Lost
et 24.01.21 19:45 Champions Club eu 1.49 vs. 3.05 eu Fudcup 696 € on eu CC Won 1,037€
et 18.01.21 21:00 Swani's Angels eu 3.55 vs. 1.39 eu PUSSYBASHERS 1,940 € on eu PUSSY Won 2,697€
et 17.01.21 21:00 DRAFTCUPWINNERS 2K21 pl 2.22 vs. 1.82 eu Team Locked Up 1,000 € on eu O-O Won 1,820€
et 17.01.21 20:00 HappySixFriends nl 1.12 vs. 9.47 eu Aimtastic 1,000 € on nl hSF Won 1,120€
et 20.12.20 20:00 Sebhes BdayBash cl 1.08 vs. 12.79 us ipod BdayRuiner 1,584 € on us ipod >:( Lost
rtcw 15.12.20 21:30 Netherlands nl 3.37 vs. 1.42 be Belgium 1,360 € on nl NL Won 4,583€
et 14.12.20 20:00 Aimtastic eu 6.48 vs. 1.18 eu Team-4D 2,000 € on eu 4D Won 2,360€
et 13.12.20 20:30 Old Timers & Intern eu 1.65 vs. 2.53 eu clowns 1,890 € on eu clowns Lost
et 10.12.20 21:00 Friendshiptbh eu 1.66 vs. 2.52 eu Old Timers & Intern 1,000 € on eu OT&I Won 2,520€
et 10.12.20 19:00 Momentum Gaming eu 3.67 vs. 1.37 eu Team-4D 1,000 € on eu 4D Won 1,370€
rtcw 07.12.20 21:00 Belgium be 1.81 vs. 2.23 gb United Kingdom 1,000 € on be BE Lost
rtcw 05.12.20 12:00 Germany de 1.06 vs. 18.22 au Oceania 520 € on au OCE Lost
rtcw 02.12.20 21:00 Francophiles fr 23.78 vs. 1.04 fi FinEst 500 € on fi FinEst Won 520€
et 02.12.20 20:30 clowns eu 4.42 vs. 1.29 eu FastFoodSlaughters 240 € on eu FFS Lost
et 01.12.20 21:30 Friendshiptbh eu 3.47 vs. 1.40 eu Old Timers & Intern 1,000 € on eu OT&I Won 1,400€
et 01.12.20 20:00 Friendshiptbh eu 2.38 vs. 1.73 eu FastFoodSlaughters 328 € on eu Ftbh Won 781€
1 2 [ 3 ] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [...] 91