Gambling Stats

fr Muck09's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 65 Total Set Money 197 €
Winning Percentage 14 % Losing Percentage 86 %
Total Money 83.00 € Total Capital 83 €

Recent Bets

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Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 24.03.10 22:00 quaco eu 1.15 vs. 7.49 eu erAse #DevineGaming 7 € on eu erAse Lost
et 24.03.10 21:00 Belgium be 5.87 vs. 1.21 fi Finland 2 € on be BEL Lost
et 24.03.10 21:00 TAG eu 2.94 vs. 1.51 gb colt 45 and two zig Zags 5 € on eu TAG Lost
et 24.03.10 20:45 oVertime fr 14.20 vs. 1.08 ve Rectangulars. 3 € on fr oVertime Lost
et 23.03.10 21:00 Vicious and Evil eu 1.37 vs. 3.70 nl Plug&Pown 5 € on nl P&P Lost
et 23.03.10 21:00 colt 45 and two zig Zags gb 7.99 vs. 1.14 pl to Make odds even 3 € on gb colt45 Lost
et 23.03.10 21:00 Anexis - eSports de 1.05 vs. 22.79 eu aHead./. 3 € on eu ahead Bet was cancelled
et 23.03.10 21:00 In7-eSports Fanatics eu 1.03 vs. 33.74 jp Possessed Team 3 € on jp Possessd Lost
et 23.03.10 21:00 Deathless gb 1.29 vs. 4.41 gr shidima #sGp 2 € on gr #sGp Bet was cancelled
et 22.03.10 22:00 to Make odds even pl 1.07 vs. 15.59 de aces 2 € on de aces Lost
et 22.03.10 21:00 randomZ eu 4.04 vs. 1.33 pt Exotic Island 3 € on eu randomZ Lost
et 22.03.10 21:00 Plug&Pown nl 7.56 vs. 1.15 eu TAG 2 € on nl P&P Won 15€
et 22.03.10 21:00 All Friends Online nl 2.95 vs. 1.51 pl Clan Military Forces 3 € on nl aFo Lost
et 22.03.10 20:15 Business District de 10.11 vs. 1.11 de no Teamplay 3 € on de bd Lost
et 21.03.10 21:00 Confis cz 1.21 vs. 5.74 cz NecroRaisers 2 € on cz NR Bet was cancelled
et 19.03.10 20:00 OfkoZz pl 1.13 vs. 8.46 cz Quick & Quality 1 € on cz QQ Lost
et 17.03.10 21:00 eu 13.49 vs. 1.08 fi Duck n Cover 4 € on eu aR| Lost
et 17.03.10 19:00 noBra!n de 5.24 vs. 1.24 gr shidima #sGp 3 € on de nB| Lost
et 15.03.10 20:00 Poland pl 1.03 vs. 31.81 lv Latvia 2 € on lv LAT Lost
et 15.03.10 20:00 Improper Bastars fi 3.83 vs. 1.35 eu [*EU*]United Soldiers of Europe 2 € on fi ib Won 8€
et 14.03.10 22:00 Spain es 16.75 vs. 1.06 nl Netherlands 1 € on es ESP Lost
et 14.03.10 21:00 iNet.outlaw fr 1.13 vs. 8.66 eu Team-Lugers 3 € on eu lugers Lost
et 14.03.10 21:00 Tagapagtanggol pl 1.41 vs. 3.45 ve Rectangulars. 2 € on ve rECT. Lost
et 14.03.10 21:00 eXert pl 8.29 vs. 1.14 pl Relax Multigaming by 2 € on pl eXert Lost
et 14.03.10 20:30 Rockefellaz de 1.15 vs. 7.60 de The Thunderstorm Warriors 2 € on de {TTW} Lost
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