Gambling Stats

pl Tupac1212's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 1342 Total Set Money 521138 €
Winning Percentage 50 % Losing Percentage 50 %
Total Money 11769.49 € Total Capital 11769.49 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 [ 58 ] 59 60 61
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 19.04.10 21:00 Alphateam eu 1.53 vs. 2.87 pl Smurfs 49 € on pl smurfs Won 141€
et 19.04.10 20:00 Die Pimmelbande #sGp de 1.92 vs. 2.09 de noBra!n 40 € on de nB| Bet was cancelled
et 19.04.10 20:00 eu 1.39 vs. 3.58 eu Techanza 100 € on eu follow - Won 139€
et 19.04.10 18:00 essential de 1.36 vs. 3.75 de Freakshow Entertainment 10 € on de FSE Bet was cancelled
et 19.04.10 18:00 ridji pl 1.94 vs. 2.07 es magico 150 € on es magico Bet was cancelled
urt 18.04.10 22:30 aCe it 20.55 vs. 1.05 eu Frenetic Online Xtermination 10 € on it .aCe. Lost
et 18.04.10 21:30 Sleeperz dk 3.39 vs. 1.42 pl Fear Factory X-Fi 100 € on pl FF X-Fi Lost
et 18.04.10 21:00 Belgian Fraternity be 12.08 vs. 1.09 eu Vicious and Evil 10 € on be bF Won 121€
et 18.04.10 21:00 1stCav eSports Club pl 2.14 vs. 1.88 be OVERLOAd 180 € on be ovr Won 338€
et 18.04.10 19:15 darts-Team pl 2.36 vs. 1.74 be Nothing is Impossible 40 € on be nI Won 70€
et 18.04.10 19:15 Fatal Error pl 18.35 vs. 1.50 de no Teamplay 60 € on de noT Bet was cancelled
et 18.04.10 19:00 noBra!n de 5.35 vs. 1.23 pl suffering 8 € on de nB| Lost
et 18.04.10 13:45 sIN.Gaming e.V. de 5.94 vs. 1.20 be Nothing is Impossible 20 € on de sIN Won 119€
urt 17.04.10 21:00 aCe it 5.35 vs. 1.67 eu Unity 100 € on eu [-&-] Bet was cancelled
et 17.04.10 20:45 sIN.Gaming e.V. de 1.07 vs. 15.70 fi Kothar-wa-Khasis 86 € on de sIN Won 92€
et 17.04.10 20:00 Simple Gaming pl 2.66 vs. 1.60 pl Anonimowi Alkoholicy 120 € on pl aLKOHOL Lost
et 17.04.10 19:00 Enemy Territory UA ua 2.65 vs. 1.61 eu Team-Lugers 10 € on ua [ET] Bet was cancelled
et 17.04.10 18:00 invictus eu 12.25 vs. 1.09 fi virgintrio 40 € on fi vir Won 44€
et 17.04.10 14:45 ideal-ib eu 1.28 vs. 4.60 eu godmode 160 € on eu ideal-ib Bet was cancelled
urt 16.04.10 22:30 Hellsing tr 6.75 vs. 1.17 tr Zero Tolerance 10 € on tr >hSg< Lost
et 16.04.10 21:30 pl 1.06 vs. 19.08 fr CPC Castors 1 € on fr (p) Lost
et 16.04.10 21:00 3teen eu 1.99 vs. 2.01 gb xZist - Gaming 60 € on gb xZist Won 121€
et 16.04.10 20:00 Susi&Strolch<3 de 4.65 vs. 1.27 eu executive 10 € on de S&S<3 Lost
et 16.04.10 20:00 vixit #r@g pt 1.42 vs. 3.40 fi ks08ds 70 € on pt vi. Won 99€
et 15.04.10 22:00 Estonia ee 1.86 vs. 2.16 fr France 39 € on fr FRA Lost
1 [...] 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 [ 58 ] 59 60 61