Gambling Stats

pt hhhu's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 144 Total Set Money 12196 €
Winning Percentage 38 % Losing Percentage 62 %
Total Money 10.83 € Total Capital 10.83 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 [ 5 ] 6 7 8
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
rtcw 17.08.10 21:00 Germany de 2.78 vs. 1.56 be Belgium 250 € on be BE Lost
et 17.08.10 20:00 deadline gb 1.11 vs. 9.84 be oSk 10 € on be oSk Bet was cancelled
et 17.08.10 19:30 re+play fi 1.09 vs. 11.84 eu Eyjafjallajokull 10 € on eu Eyjafja Lost
et 16.08.10 20:30 Team Dignitas gb 3.68 vs. 1.37 fi Fintastic 5 600 € on fi F5 Won 822€
et 15.08.10 21:30 new hAbility pl 1.56 vs. 2.80 eu spirit. 5 € on eu spirit. Bet was cancelled
et 15.08.10 21:00 PIMMELBANDE de 1.14 vs. 8.21 fr Nooby 5 € on fr N'by Bet was cancelled
et 15.08.10 21:00 Team Dignitas gb 2.27 vs. 1.79 fi Fintastic 5 1,000 € on gb Lost
et 15.08.10 20:00 haxbyjam fi 1.39 vs. 3.57 eu team exitium 10 € on eu ext3 Bet was cancelled
et 15.08.10 20:00 Edified nl 1.95 vs. 2.06 fi CROW / YCN-Hosting 5 € on nl e^ Lost
et 15.08.10 19:00 Frogs of War pl 1.22 vs. 5.55 fi Mitiih 5 € on fi Mitiih Bet was cancelled
et 13.08.10 20:30 RoMisiune ro 1.55 vs. 2.82 ro Warriors of Tyr 4 € on ro |wT| Lost
et 12.08.10 22:15 Die Kunden de 11.11 vs. 1.10 pl Animus 11 € on de diE Draw
et 12.08.10 22:00 the queens pl 1.91 vs. 2.11 gb xZist - Gaming 15 € on gb xZist Bet was cancelled
et 12.08.10 22:00 l4z pl 1.24 vs. 5.24 de waYne 10 € on de waYne Lost
et 12.08.10 22:00 Vice Gaming tr 1.10 vs. 10.65 eu #zero.E 15 € on eu wnbpro Bet was cancelled
et 12.08.10 21:30 Team Survive de 3.79 vs. 1.36 pl Polish Game Control 15 € on de survive Bet was cancelled
et 12.08.10 21:00 Team Dignitas gb 1.35 vs. 3.88 gb Impact Gaming 300 € on gb Impact Won 1,164€
et 11.08.10 14:00 nl 1.52 vs. 2.94 pl #braindDMG 12 € on pl bDMG Lost
et 10.08.10 22:45 drum\'N\'base gb 35.70 vs. 1.03 gb deadline 10 € on gb dNb Lost
et 10.08.10 22:00 unKind gb 2.45 vs. 1.69 eu #PlixPlax 50 € on gb unKind Won 123€
et 10.08.10 21:15 spirit. eu 10.24 vs. 1.11 pl Independents 25 € on eu spirit. Bet was cancelled
et 10.08.10 21:00 heroes4ever fr 1.75 vs. 2.33 fi PALLOT 25 € on fi Pallot Bet was cancelled
et 10.08.10 19:00 Ictus eu 2.38 vs. 1.73 ca heroes For Ever 11 € on eu ICTUS Lost
et 10.08.10 13:30 nl 1.83 vs. 2.21 eu HOT CHICKS team 50 € on eu hct Won 111€
et 10.08.10 12:00 nl 1.66 vs. 2.53 xx 13 € on xx Who Lost
1 2 3 4 [ 5 ] 6 7 8