Gambling Stats

pl sonNy8D's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 537 Total Set Money 116921 €
Winning Percentage 51 % Losing Percentage 49 %
Total Money 1440.54 € Total Capital 1440.54 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 [ 24 ]
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 04.03.11 19:30 United Forces ro 1.26 vs. 4.78 ro DMG ELITE 21 € on ro #UF Won 26€
et 03.03.11 21:00 theORYGINALS pl 6.92 vs. 1.17 cz inteRaction 10 € on cz iR Won 12€
et 01.03.11 22:30 Poland pl 1.99 vs. 2.01 gb United Kingdom 100 € on gb UK Lost
et 26.02.11 17:00 UF# United Forces ro 48.66 vs. 1.10 pl otworte eSports 100 € on pl o`eSport Bet was cancelled
et 25.02.11 19:00 otworte eSports pl 1.16 vs. 7.22 cz iabg 57 € on cz iabg Lost
et 17.02.11 20:00 Northern Europe eu 2.75 vs. 1.57 eu Eastern Europe 100 € on eu East Won 157€
et 06.01.11 21:30 Tabloid Junkies pl 6.26 vs. 1.19 fi CodeLust 30 € on fi codelust Won 36€
et 04.01.11 21:00 Most Valuable Players eu 1.37 vs. 3.71 de SPEEDLINK 10 € on eu MvP Lost
et 29.12.10 21:30 Team-Homer pl 1.46 vs. 3.18 il Team-Lion 10 € on pl Homer Lost
et 23.12.10 22:00 to Make odds even pl 2.72 vs. 1.58 pl Polish Most Valuable Players 204 € on pl PMVP Lost
et 21.12.10 18:00 HighBot de 5.83 vs. 1.21 de Altschuler 168 € on de Altschul Won 203€
et 12.12.10 21:00 Team Dignitas gb 1.30 vs. 4.35 gb The Last Resort 34 € on gb TLR Won 148€
et 09.12.10 23:00 Who Cares pl 9.00 vs. 1.12 pl regards Dolan 22 € on pl regards Won 25€
et 09.12.10 21:30 teamoxid de 1.66 vs. 2.52 pl head hunters 22 € on de oxid Lost
et 08.12.10 22:00 head hunters pl 11.96 vs. 1.09 eu Most Valuable Players 40 € on eu MvP Won 44€
et 05.12.10 22:00 Team Dignitas gb 1.94 vs. 2.06 gb The Last Resort 44 € on gb TLR Lost
et 30.11.10 21:00 Fear Gaming de 8.38 vs. 1.14 pl In7 eSports 30 € on pl In7 Won 34€
et 30.11.10 20:30 pl 1.71 vs. 2.41 fi Creatures Of The Night 25 € on pl bacardi Lost
et 29.11.10 21:45 Frogs of War pl 1.81 vs. 2.23 de Lost Soldiers 25 € on pl fROGS Lost
et 29.11.10 21:30 Aero Gaming gb 2.23 vs. 1.82 dk Rage-Gaming 25 € on dk RAGE Won 46€
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