Gambling Stats

de noskill*'s Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 1241 Total Set Money 138366 €
Winning Percentage 51 % Losing Percentage 49 %
Total Money 306.62 € Total Capital 306.62 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [ 13 ] 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 [...] 55
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 24.09.15 21:00 LowLandLions be 1.55 vs. 2.83 eu cat in a hat 13 € on be Lions Won 20€
et 23.09.15 21:45 Hodor eu 2.77 vs. 1.57 eu Runo<3 77 € on eu ho Won 213€
et 28.06.15 18:15 'xD Mixjump, eu 1.23 vs. 5.32 eu iOwnage 30 € on eu 'xD Won 37€
et 18.06.15 21:30 'xD Trickjump, eu 1.22 vs. 5.55 eu pirrka-et 52 € on eu pirrka Lost
et 18.06.15 20:30 'xD Trickjump, eu 1.01 vs. 100.00 us colorsandnumbers 51 € on eu 'xD Won 52€
et 06.04.15 14:30 Echelon pl 1.16 vs. 7.13 pl Coffee Time 10 € on pl echelon Won 12€
et 06.04.15 12:30 pl 1.73 vs. 2.37 pl Lifestyle 226 € on pl 3er Lost
et 11.01.15 21:00 wiSe-guys pl 1.96 vs. 2.04 fr phase 115 € on pl wiSe Won 225€
et 30.12.14 20:15 Grunge pl 6.51 vs. 1.18 eu WINNERMANS 98 € on eu w1ns Won 116€
et 30.12.14 00:30 PoKeMeNs eu 1.01 vs. 100.00 nl Negative 97 € on eu (~) Won 98€
et 28.12.14 22:15 'xD Trickjump, eu 1.02 vs. 42.57 nl Negative 85 € on eu 'xD Won 87€
et 17.12.14 16:45 conquistadors fi 1.12 vs. 9.70 eu One Way 40 € on fi cqs Won 45€
et 11.12.14 23:00 wiSe-guys pl 1.14 vs. 8.13 us Automatic 119 € on pl wiSe Lost
et 08.12.14 23:30 playboyteam pl 100.00 vs. 1.01 us Automatic 118 € on us Auto Won 119€
rtcw 08.12.14 21:00 Das Reich Elitetruppe au 4.57 vs. 1.28 us 501st Legion 92 € on us 501st Won 118€
et 02.12.14 19:45 EliteArmy eu 1.18 vs. 6.52 us Fearless Assassins 53 € on eu EA| Won 63€
csgo 29.11.14 21:00 Ninjas in Pyjamas se 1.90 vs. 2.11 fr Team-LDLC 20 € on fr LDLC Won 42€
rtcw 13.11.14 22:00 Double Dutch Dragons nl 3.21 vs. 1.45 us Victorious Secrets 80 € on us VS Lost
et 17.10.14 21:45 Talented nl 3.01 vs. 1.50 fi thenerdest 10 € on nl Talented Lost
et 16.10.14 20:15 'xD Trickjump, eu 14.67 vs. 1.07 nl Double Dutch Dragons 30 € on eu 'xD Lost
et 13.10.14 19:00 WINNERMANS eu 1.34 vs. 3.94 fi red as a beetroot 30 € on fi RAAB Lost
et 12.10.14 22:00 RYKNIJ GORYLKU @ DDD pl 1.02 vs. 53.51 pl xProject 20 € on pl ZAPIEJ Won 20€
et 09.10.14 23:00 Double Dutch Dragons nl 1.15 vs. 7.74 us Automatic 90 € on nl DRGN Lost
et 08.10.14 21:00 'xD Trickjump, eu 1.57 vs. 2.75 pl Second Massachusetts 50 € on pl sm Lost
csgo 08.10.14 21:00 Epsilon eSports eu 1.20 vs. 6.01 se Property 250 € on eu Epsilon Lost
1 [...] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [ 13 ] 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 [...] 55