Gambling Stats

de noskill*'s Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 1241 Total Set Money 138366 €
Winning Percentage 51 % Losing Percentage 49 %
Total Money 306.62 € Total Capital 306.62 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 [ 18 ] 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 [...] 55
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 20.04.14 16:45 amped be 2.56 vs. 1.64 eu ET in 2014 lol 172 € on be ampd Lost
et 18.04.14 16:45 CitiZen eu 1.72 vs. 2.40 eu craze 100 € on eu CitiZen Won 172€
et 14.04.14 16:00 eXecutors eu 11.33 vs. 1.58 eu Team-Visual 100 € on eu visual Bet was cancelled
et 10.04.14 21:00 Poland pl 1.21 vs. 5.73 se Sweden 38 € on se SWE Lost
et 06.04.14 21:00 Poland pl 1.27 vs. 4.75 is Iceland 138 € on pl POL Bet was cancelled
et 06.04.14 13:45 turbot fi 1.45 vs. 3.22 ee SSTAT 95 € on fi turbot Won 138€
et 04.03.14 19:15 fi 10.12 vs. 1.11 fi red as a beetroot 32 € on fi RAAB Won 36€
et 25.02.14 19:30 OUTRAGEd eSports eu 15.74 vs. 1.07 de credibilis. 20 € on de cre. Won 21€
et 23.02.14 20:30 POKEMANS de 3.21 vs. 1.75 eu ET in 2014 lol 10 € on eu ein2k14 Bet was cancelled
et 22.02.14 14:45 turbot fi 1.41 vs. 3.42 eu 30 seconds to MARS 30 € on fi turbot Lost
et 18.02.14 16:15 Malibu eu 1.19 vs. 6.30 pl Trybson TEAM 10 € on pl gghh Bet was cancelled
lol 14.02.14 18:00 Millenium fr 28.51 vs. 1.04 eu Fnatic 143 € on eu Fnatic Lost
et 07.02.14 17:00 Second Massachusetts pl 4.65 vs. 1.27 pl Echelon 113 € on pl echelon Won 144€
et 06.02.14 19:30 outwit - the final one fi 3.41 vs. 1.41 be LIKE A BOSS 80 € on be BOSS Won 113€
et 06.02.14 19:15 Malibu eu 1.52 vs. 3.60 mp yourfavoriteteam 80 € on eu mAlibu Bet was cancelled
et 04.02.14 20:30 LIKE A BOSS be 1.68 vs. 2.48 gb Team Keen 60 € on gb )TKEEN( Draw
et 03.02.14 17:00 Echelon pl 1.01 vs. 100.00 fi outwit - the final one 50 € on pl echelon Won 51€
et 26.01.14 22:30 Forward Momentum us 9.83 vs. 1.11 eu Runo<3 100 € on eu eA Lost
et 26.01.14 14:45 we pwn you pl 25.21 vs. 1.04 eu 30 seconds to MARS 86 € on eu 30stm Won 89€
et 23.01.14 18:30 aq 1.43 vs. 3.32 cz 20 € on cz paradise Won 66€
et 21.01.14 20:45 Too many beauty around us pt 3.14 vs. 1.47 nl HappySixFriends 127 € on nl hSF Lost
et 21.01.14 18:30 wiSe-guys pl 5.76 vs. 1.21 eu team exitium 105 € on eu ext3 Won 127€
et 17.01.14 19:00 Aveng3rs eu 36.20 vs. 1.03 eu Happy Tree Friends 102 € on eu HTF Won 105€
et 16.01.14 17:15 aq 1.24 vs. 5.10 fi Victimized 20 € on fi Victm Won 102€
et 13.01.14 17:30 team exitium eu 2.36 vs. 1.73 eu robertdonkeys 50 € on eu ext3 Lost
1 [...] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 [ 18 ] 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 [...] 55