Gambling Stats

fi milfmuumi's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 122 Total Set Money 2547 €
Winning Percentage 49 % Losing Percentage 51 %
Total Money 10.39 € Total Capital 10.39 €

Recent Bets

1 [ 2 ] 3 4 5 6 7
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 13.01.11 20:45 Exorcists cz 1.21 vs. 5.80 ru Pistols 10 € on ru Pistols Lost
et 12.01.11 21:00 team exitium eu 1.36 vs. 3.81 de Art of Wolfenstein 10 € on de Team-AoW Lost
et 11.01.11 20:30 Keskus Rikos Poliisi fi 1.02 vs. 41.09 eu Kot Da Vinci 10 € on eu vinci Lost
et 10.01.11 22:00 teamoxid de 4.61 vs. 1.28 pl to Make odds even 231 € on pl tMoe Lost
et 09.01.11 21:00 Learn 2 Play nl 1.29 vs. 4.41 se addicted 2 id 20 € on nl L2P Won 26€
et 09.01.11 21:00 Koot Da Vinci pl 5.49 vs. 1.22 eu Runo<3 124 € on eu eA Bet was cancelled
et 09.01.11 20:30 Purefragging nl 1.56 vs. 2.78 be AntiClimax 7 € on nl PUR3 Lost
et 09.01.11 20:00 g2p-B nl 18.10 vs. 1.06 nl DRAAKJES 20 € on nl DRAAKJES Won 21€
et 09.01.11 20:00 Art of Wolfenstein de 2.01 vs. 1.99 eu InYourMind-ET 20 € on eu iYm Won 40€
et 09.01.11 20:00 gaming2perfectionB be 1.46 vs. 5.35 fr ET4LIFE 20 € on be g2p Bet was cancelled
et 09.01.11 19:15 9th Dimension Wnbpro de 1.72 vs. 2.38 nl imposito 20 € on de 9th Lost
et 09.01.11 19:00 Desi Bros in 2.42 vs. 1.70 eu Personality Team 40 € on eu I am Lost
et 09.01.11 19:00 Reload-Gaming gb 3.00 vs. 1.50 fr phacks 20 € on fr phAcks Won 30€
et 09.01.11 18:00 be 2.65 vs. 1.61 fi Bukkake Paradise 40 € on fi 69 Bet was cancelled
et 09.01.11 18:00 Meeting With Professionals pl 1.31 vs. 4.20 de TEAM warpig| 40 € on pl MwP.ET Won 52€
et 09.01.11 18:00 PIMMELBANDE de 1.11 vs. 9.78 de noBra!n 20 € on de PB Won 22€
et 08.01.11 22:00 Asstastic eu 4.23 vs. 1.31 fi 188 € on fi TRSKa Won 246€
et 07.01.11 21:00 Koot Da Vinci pl 1.90 vs. 2.11 eu iNtakE.Gaming 20 € on pl vinci Lost
et 07.01.11 20:30 Enge Mannen Op slippers nl 1.11 vs. 10.13 cl Aimboy 20 € on nl Emo's Won 22€
et 06.01.11 21:45 Desi Bros in 1.24 vs. 5.09 ro #RO ET GAMERS 5 € on ro RoGamers Bet was cancelled
et 06.01.11 19:15 Fintastic 5 fi 1.46 vs. 3.18 fi red as a beetroot 196 € on fi F5 Bet was cancelled
et 06.01.11 19:00 team exitium eu 1.62 vs. 2.60 de teamoxid 2 € on de oxid Won 5€
et 06.01.11 02:00 hiatus ca 1.03 vs. 38.87 cl Chilean Miners 10 € on cl miners Lost
et 05.01.11 23:00 to Make odds even pl 1.83 vs. 2.20 pl regards Dolan 10 € on pl tMoe Won 18€
et 05.01.11 22:30 9th Dimension Wnbpro de 2.32 vs. 1.75 de #exiliCa 6 € on de 9th Lost
1 [ 2 ] 3 4 5 6 7