Gambling Stats

ca embarrassed's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 1028 Total Set Money 131237 €
Winning Percentage 62 % Losing Percentage 38 %
Total Money 84.57 € Total Capital 84.57 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 [ 37 ] 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 02.11.11 22:30 OUTRAGEd eSports eu 2.79 vs. 1.56 ca High Fidelity 1,434 € on ca HI-FI Lost
et 02.11.11 02:00 in game br 5.88 vs. 1.20 us THE BEST 250 € on us the best Won 300€
et 31.10.11 22:00 c4. pl 1.23 vs. 5.32 ca Pornstars 260 € on ca pornstar Won 1,383€
et 31.10.11 01:45 Desi Bros in 5.36 vs. 1.23 ca High Fidelity 212 € on ca HI-FI Won 261€
et 30.10.11 22:00 OUTRAGEd eSports eu 2.21 vs. 1.87 ca High Fidelity 212 € on ca HI-FI Bet was cancelled
et 30.10.11 18:00 red as a beetroot fi 2.49 vs. 1.67 eu ofc ofc vent vent 127 € on eu ofc ofc Won 212€
et 30.10.11 12:00 Horses au 2.96 vs. 1.51 nl Team Decerto 77 € on nl decerto Won 116€
et 29.10.11 04:30 AnotherStonedHomies sv 1.08 vs. 13.42 mx Weyes Wenotes Extreme 10 € on mx wwe Lost
et 28.10.11 21:00 Nyan Gaming fr 1.07 vs. 16.08 fr For the fun 72 € on fr Nyan>> Won 77€
et 27.10.11 12:30 Fast Five au 4.92 vs. 1.26 au xFx.eSports 10 € on au fast5 Lost
et 25.10.11 19:30 heroes4ever fr 1.95 vs. 2.05 pl wiSe-guys 27 € on fr hFE Won 53€
et 24.10.11 23:30 ofc ofc vent vent eu 3.53 vs. 1.39 de teamoxid 10 € on de oxid Lost
et 24.10.11 23:00 fi 1.50 vs. 2.98 es Stampida 18 € on fi iFlash Won 27€
et 24.10.11 21:00 DRAAKJES nl 1.36 vs. 3.74 eu Art 13 € on nl DRAAKJES Won 18€
et 24.10.11 10:30 altitude au 3.02 vs. 1.56 au Fickle Old Apathetic Dudes 13 € on au FOAD Bet was cancelled
et 23.10.11 22:15 turbot fi 1.26 vs. 4.86 eu bSTURZ 10 € on fi turbot Won 13€
et 22.10.11 22:15 Purefragging nl 5.49 vs. 1.22 pl Izolator Boguchwala 30 € on nl PUR3 Lost
et 19.10.11 22:15 Cortana hr 8.05 vs. 1.14 eu TAG 10 € on eu TAG Lost
et 19.10.11 19:00 Nyan Gaming fr 1.70 vs. 2.44 nl national-0wners 10 € on nl n0 Lost
et 17.10.11 21:00 3 against the world eu 2.08 vs. 1.93 pl idem 50 € on eu 3atw Lost
et 17.10.11 04:15 Unfaithful ca 7.05 vs. 1.17 ca BRICKA BRICKA 40 € on ca BRICKA Bet was cancelled
et 12.10.11 22:00 Team Limbo eu 1.44 vs. 3.28 fr Frogz Squad 10 € on eu Limbo Lost
et 11.10.11 11:00 cook me some fuckin eggs au 7.02 vs. 1.17 au Horses 10 € on au cmsfe Lost
et 09.10.11 12:30 xFx.eSports au 3.27 vs. 1.44 nl Team Decerto 30 € on nl decerto Lost
et 07.10.11 04:30 Unfaithful ca 1.65 vs. 2.53 us Replacements 10 € on us r-> Bet was cancelled
1 [...] 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 [ 37 ] 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45