Gambling Stats

de kaTze_'s Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 619 Total Set Money 412376 €
Winning Percentage 60 % Losing Percentage 40 %
Total Money 70.54 € Total Capital 70.54 €

Recent Bets

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Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 09.10.11 19:00 heroes4ever fr 1.78 vs. 2.29 cz inteRaction 30 € on cz iR Bet was cancelled
et 09.10.11 19:00 Nyan Gaming fr 1.98 vs. 2.02 eu Organization of Master in Gaming 1 € on fr Nyan>> Bet was cancelled
et 09.10.11 19:00 Art eu 11.93 vs. 1.09 de Team Survive 100 € on eu Art Bet was cancelled
et 09.10.11 18:00 thefinest fi 1.10 vs. 10.57 fi aikamiehet 1 € on fi thef Won 1€
et 06.10.11 22:30 turbot fi 3.23 vs. 1.45 ee K1ck eSports Club 69 € on fi turbot Lost
et 06.10.11 22:15 myanth pl 1.11 vs. 9.86 ee Juurviljad 34 € on ee JRV Won 335€
et 06.10.11 21:30 encrypt gb 1.97 vs. 2.03 cl Synergy 21 € on gb encrypt Bet was cancelled
et 06.10.11 21:00 Team - Beyond se 1.48 vs. 3.45 eu Significance 2 € on se 'b Bet was cancelled
et 06.10.11 21:00 Hells Angels pl 1.26 vs. 4.80 de TEAM warpig| 2 € on de warpig Won 10€
et 06.10.11 21:00 Exorcists cz 7.60 vs. 1.15 eu ofc ofc vent vent 1 € on eu ofc ofc Bet was cancelled
et 06.10.11 21:00 what? eu 3.38 vs. 1.42 nl True Destination 50 € on eu ? Bet was cancelled
et 06.10.11 21:00 PIMMELBANDE de 10.70 vs. 1.10 nl Team Decerto 100 € on de PB Lost
et 06.10.11 20:45 Cruzados pl 5.60 vs. 1.22 se addicted 2 id 1 € on se a2id Won 1€
et 06.10.11 20:30 Inst!nct de 2.09 vs. 1.92 cr randomfagsfromouterspace 10 € on de Inst!nct Won 21€
et 06.10.11 12:00 Fast Five au 1.21 vs. 5.67 au Team Elevate. 2 € on au fast5 Won 2€
et 05.10.11 22:30 disQonnect de 1.12 vs. 9.68 fr Catharsis bullet Zealot 1 € on de dQ Won 1€
et 05.10.11 21:30 Teamoxid - wnbpro de 8.90 vs. 1.13 fr Pharaons 1 € on fr PHA Won 1€
et 05.10.11 21:15 back 2 kill pl 3.65 vs. 1.38 de disQonnect 40 € on de dQ Won 55€
et 05.10.11 21:00 Without brain fr 1.77 vs. 2.29 es Stampida 30 € on fr wb Won 53€
et 05.10.11 20:00 #Team-VorteX eu 4.81 vs. 1.26 fi 30 € on fi kpkp Bet was cancelled
et 05.10.11 19:15 noBra!n KIK.AIM de 2.11 vs. 1.90 fi red as a beetroot 1 € on fi RAAB Won 2€
et 05.10.11 18:00 credibilis. de 1.44 vs. 3.25 fi red as a beetroot 1 € on de cre. Won 1€
et 04.10.11 23:45 noBra!n KIK.AIM de 1.10 vs. 10.78 de 100 € on de Lost
et 04.10.11 21:45 to Make odds even pl 2.00 vs. 2.00 de teamoxid 50 € on de oxid Won 100€
et 04.10.11 21:30 Epic #epic-eSports fr 1.34 vs. 3.96 fi Teuva Total Dominating 10 € on fr epic Won 13€
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