Gambling Stats

pl Tybek's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 160 Total Set Money 35785 €
Winning Percentage 61 % Losing Percentage 39 %
Total Money 10.72 € Total Capital 10.72 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 5 [ 6 ] 7 8
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 21.07.11 00:45 Supski eu 5.52 vs. 1.22 fr Epic #epic-eSports 50 € on fr epic Lost
et 20.07.11 21:30 Zootoxin de 45.38 vs. 1.02 eu mikeh's low gamers 50 € on eu mLG Won 51€
et 20.07.11 21:00 noBra!n KIK.AIM de 2.66 vs. 1.60 pl wiSe-guys 128 € on pl wiSe Won 205€
et 20.07.11 21:00 Awesome pwners! pl 5.13 vs. 1.24 pl Hells Angels 100 € on pl angels Won 124€
et 20.07.11 18:15 RODCAd GAMING be 7.63 vs. 1.15 pl head hunters 213 € on pl :h Bet was cancelled
et 19.07.11 22:15 Descent us 6.92 vs. 1.17 nl aegrus 50 € on nl ae Won 59€
et 19.07.11 22:00 to Make odds even pl 1.72 vs. 29.44 fr Epic #epic-eSports 30 € on pl tMoe Bet was cancelled
et 19.07.11 21:45 vital Gaming nl 1.03 vs. 36.30 eu The eXtinct 88 € on nl vital Won 91€
et 19.07.11 21:00 european dream team eu 6.52 vs. 1.18 nl Team Decerto 84 € on nl decerto Won 99€
et 19.07.11 20:00 Team Decerto nl 1.14 vs. 8.37 fi #r@g eSports 122 € on nl decerto Won 139€
et 19.07.11 20:00 Fuck The Name xi 1.40 vs. 3.49 pl BadBoys 30 € on xi FTN Bet was cancelled
et 19.07.11 17:30 izi bash pl 4.66 vs. 1.27 pl dwukropekha 178 € on pl :h Won 226€
et 19.07.11 17:00 darts-Team pl 1.21 vs. 5.79 se - hot Shots - 30 € on se hS Lost
et 19.07.11 01:45 es 1.97 vs. 2.03 eu Alliance 10 € on eu ALLIANCE Won 20€
et 19.07.11 00:30 Queens eu 3.73 vs. 1.37 ee 42 € on eu Queens Won 157€
et 18.07.11 23:00 #ALMIGHTY.ET xi 1.29 vs. 4.50 eu Queens 54 € on eu Queens Won 243€
et 18.07.11 22:00 wnbpro de 11.38 vs. 1.10 eu intensiveNoobs 18 € on eu iN Lost
et 18.07.11 21:00 u35 LEGENDS cz 2.06 vs. 1.95 eu The eXtinct 11 € on cz u35 Won 23€
et 18.07.11 20:30 Belgianlions be 1.27 vs. 4.71 il Team Asletica 11 € on be LIONS Won 14€
et 18.07.11 19:30 fi 1.55 vs. 2.81 pl Izi 4 Pandas 23 € on fi kpkp Won 36€
et 18.07.11 03:00 Descent us 1.49 vs. 3.05 us Brutii 5 € on us *brutii Lost
et 17.07.11 22:00 Legendary de 2.54 vs. 1.65 pl to Make odds even 9 € on de L Won 23€
et 17.07.11 21:00 Team mythica pl 3.75 vs. 1.36 ee glitz 10 € on pl mythica Won 38€
et 17.07.11 21:00 happyface es 4.67 vs. 1.27 ru KGB 27 € on ru KGB Lost
et 17.07.11 21:00 Brutii us 1.01 vs. 100.00 pl Awesome pwners! 14 € on us *brutii Won 14€
1 2 3 4 5 [ 6 ] 7 8