Gambling Stats

gb chewz's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 301 Total Set Money 59268 €
Winning Percentage 46 % Losing Percentage 54 %
Total Money 100.00 € Total Capital 100 €

Recent Bets

1 2 [ 3 ] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 19.07.12 18:00 21 Gunz ga 1.88 vs. 2.14 hu SUPERHERO's 100 € on ga 21 Won 188€
et 17.07.12 19:00 Fuck The Name xi 1.29 vs. 4.47 fi #r@g eSports 100 € on fi r@g Bet was cancelled
et 11.07.12 22:00 MYSTERIOUS MONKEYS de 3.28 vs. 1.44 eu eL fusioN 25 € on de mMONKEYS Won 82€
et 11.07.12 16:15 Grenades Galore us 6.42 vs. 1.18 pl bacardi team 10 € on us G+ Lost
et 11.07.12 14:00 JoinTheForce - EUNd be 4.99 vs. 1.25 pl to Make odds even 310 € on pl tMoe Lost
et 10.07.12 21:00 progress hu 5.52 vs. 1.22 li Caution! 50 € on hu .prg# Lost
et 10.07.12 21:00 HardWithStyle nl 1.26 vs. 4.85 be PowerPlay 50 € on nl HwS Lost
et 10.07.12 21:00 Regress/ hu 6.05 vs. 1.20 us house collective 50 € on hu rgs Lost
et 10.07.12 21:00 S'agapo gr 3.30 vs. 1.44 pl neVerminds 25 € on gr S'agapo Lost
et 10.07.12 21:00 Dead Ringers be 4.70 vs. 1.27 nl noble 75 € on nl nobLe Won 95€
et 10.07.12 21:00 Team - Inst!nct - CranK de 1.49 vs. 3.04 fr Daddies 50 € on fr D@dds Lost
et 10.07.12 20:00 Netherlands nl 8.75 vs. 1.13 fi Finland 190 € on fi FIN Won 215€
et 10.07.12 00:30 bacardi gaming pl 1.06 vs. 16.95 fr Chti 462 € on pl bacardi Won 490€
et 08.07.12 22:00 to Make odds even pl 8.68 vs. 1.13 nl Team Decerto 50 € on pl tMoe Won 434€
et 08.07.12 21:30 bSTURZ eu 2.74 vs. 1.58 de Lost Soldiers 25 € on de lost^ Lost
et 08.07.12 21:00 Alliance eu 3.56 vs. 1.39 eu nhncd 20 € on eu enhanced Won 28€
et 08.07.12 20:00 Hungary hu 6.72 vs. 1.17 pl Poland 20 € on hu HUN Lost
et 06.07.12 00:15 Grenades Galore us 11.24 vs. 1.10 pl bacardi team 37 € on us G+ Lost
et 05.07.12 22:00 fr 2.29 vs. 1.77 de Lost Soldiers 100 € on de lost^ Won 177€
et 05.07.12 21:45 Chti fr 2.72 vs. 1.58 eu 3 against the world 29 € on eu 3atw Lost
et 05.07.12 21:00 zeroskill pl 1.40 vs. 3.52 eu jukud 100 € on pl zs Lost
et 05.07.12 20:15 Thee Untouchables 3on3 ro 68.58 vs. 1.01 be Dead Ringers 128 € on be dr Won 129€
et 05.07.12 18:30 Bros si 1.32 vs. 4.12 ro Thee Untouchables 3on3 25 € on ro thouch Won 103€
et 05.07.12 12:00 Team Millan se 3.62 vs. 1.38 au Team Mayonegg 47 € on se Millan Lost
et 04.07.12 22:15 Pharaons fr 1.17 vs. 6.74 pl neVerminds 25 € on fr PHA Lost
1 2 [ 3 ] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13