Gambling Stats

pl tomek4123's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 238 Total Set Money 5419 €
Winning Percentage 43 % Losing Percentage 57 %
Total Money 480.45 € Total Capital 480.45 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 5 6 [ 7 ] 8 9 10 11 12
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 29.02.12 20:00 Squad Cew Etpro es 7.52 vs. 1.15 fi Jokerit 10 € on es CEW Lost
et 29.02.12 18:00 team iraz pl 3.00 vs. 1.50 pl team dante 10 € on pl iraz! Lost
et 28.02.12 22:30 Children of Shadow fr 2.15 vs. 1.87 eu team exitium 10 € on fr CoS Lost
et 28.02.12 22:00 Squad Cew Etpro es 1.19 vs. 6.34 eu 10 € on eu :> Lost
et 28.02.12 20:30 UF# United Forces ro 2.57 vs. 1.64 eu Flying-Iris 10 € on ro UF# Bet was cancelled
et 27.02.12 22:15 Nothing But Skillz eu 14.41 vs. 1.07 eu CashPlease 10 € on eu Nbs Lost
et 27.02.12 21:30 PowerMaurerClanGermany de 1.92 vs. 2.09 de Teamoxid - wnbpro 10 € on de oxid Lost
et 27.02.12 20:00 PowerMaurerClanGermany de 1.12 vs. 9.15 nl national 0wners 10 € on nl n0 Lost
et 27.02.12 19:00 ettan ee 1.11 vs. 10.38 eu mikeh's low gamers 10 € on eu mLG Lost
et 26.02.12 21:00 High Fidelity ca 1.69 vs. 2.45 eu Flying-Iris 10 € on eu FLYING Lost
et 26.02.12 21:00 Northern-Darkness de 1.13 vs. 8.94 ru etcfg 10 € on ru etcfg Lost
et 26.02.12 20:00 Overijssel nl 1.17 vs. 6.74 nl Utrecht 10 € on nl Utrecht Lost
et 26.02.12 19:15 Vlaams-Brabant be 1.03 vs. 34.90 be West-Vlaanderen 10 € on be <o/ Bet was cancelled
et 26.02.12 19:00 credibilis. de 1.03 vs. 31.71 de Team-pFk 10 € on de cre. Won 10€
et 25.02.12 21:00 Demonic Team pl 20.42 vs. 1.05 eu ChAos Bois 20 € on pl dT Lost
et 24.02.12 17:45 Unbelievable Tekkers gb 13.00 vs. 1.08 pl bacardi team 10 € on pl bacardi Won 11€
et 23.02.12 21:30 Poland pl 1.03 vs. 35.90 cz Czech Republic 15 € on pl POL Won 15€
et 23.02.12 11:30 xFx.eSports au 1.18 vs. 6.70 au Horses 15 € on au xFx Won 18€
et 22.02.12 21:00 Exorcists cz 3.13 vs. 1.47 eu team exitium 30 € on cz exo Won 94€
et 22.02.12 18:30 fr 1.08 vs. 13.60 de Sooo nicht 10 € on de Sooo Lost
et 21.02.12 21:00 Queens eu 1.69 vs. 2.45 pl wiSe-guys 10 € on pl wiSe Won 25€
et 21.02.12 20:00 randomZ eu 3.01 vs. 1.50 nl Team Decerto 10 € on eu randomZ Lost
et 20.02.12 21:00 team stAt1c pr 4.04 vs. 1.33 fr Children of Shadow 57 € on pr stAt1c Lost
et 18.02.12 21:30 revealed eu 1.66 vs. 2.51 be eund? 10 € on be eund? Lost
et 17.02.12 21:00 team stAt1c pr 2.10 vs. 1.91 eu cTRL-Gaming Warteam 15 € on pr stAt1c Won 32€
1 2 3 4 5 6 [ 7 ] 8 9 10 11 12