Gambling Stats

de deact_40746's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 4917 Total Set Money 1477877 €
Winning Percentage 32 % Losing Percentage 68 %
Total Money 755.18 € Total Capital 755.18 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 [ 108 ] 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 [...] 230
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 19.08.14 15:00 serenitis 3on3 gb 4.98 vs. 1.25 eu 'xD Trickjump, 5 € on gb srnts Lost
et 18.08.14 20:30 POLARBEERS fi 2.76 vs. 1.57 nl Keyboard Warriors 5 € on fi POLARB Bet was cancelled
et 18.08.14 20:30 Hodor eu 1.73 vs. 2.37 us overrated-us 3 € on us ^Rated Lost
et 17.08.14 22:30 'xD Trickjump, eu 19.11 vs. 1.06 pl wiSe-guys 5 € on eu 'xD Lost
et 17.08.14 21:00 TAG eu 1.13 vs. 8.85 hu underscore 5 € on hu und_ Lost
et 17.08.14 21:00 8Bits hu 1.07 vs. 14.37 us THE BEST 5 € on us the best Lost
et 17.08.14 21:00 overrated-us us 3.48 vs. 1.40 eu Runo<3 5 € on us ^Rated Won 17€
et 17.08.14 20:00 Lifestyle pl 12.47 vs. 1.09 eu Inner-sense 5 € on pl Lf# Lost
et 17.08.14 17:30 innerSense eu 1.34 vs. 3.94 ee SSTAT 5 € on ee SSTAT Won 20€
et 12.08.14 21:30 overrated-us us 5.73 vs. 1.21 eu Runo<3 5 € on us ^Rated Lost
et 12.08.14 21:15 Pornoduo de 1.38 vs. 3.64 pl UnderTheTable 5 € on pl UTT Lost
et 12.08.14 18:45 back 2 kill pl 1.38 vs. 3.64 eu innerSense 5 € on eu is Bet was cancelled
et 12.08.14 18:00 innerSense eu 1.02 vs. 47.78 fi 5 € on fi lotto Lost
et 11.08.14 21:00 overrated-us us 5.25 vs. 1.24 eu Runo<3 5 € on us ^Rated Lost
et 11.08.14 20:45 duplo de 1.26 vs. 4.87 fi 5 € on fi lotto Lost
et 11.08.14 16:45 yolo ee 1.01 vs. 100.00 eu One Way 5 € on eu 1| Lost
et 11.08.14 14:00 back 2 kill pl 1.01 vs. 100.00 nl Talented 5 € on nl Talented Lost
et 10.08.14 22:15 SSTAT ee 1.35 vs. 3.88 sr 5 € on sr FUNERAL Lost
et 10.08.14 21:30 Runo<3 eu 1.29 vs. 4.43 eu Controlled Gaming 3 € on eu #CTRL.d Lost
et 10.08.14 20:30 Talented nl 28.94 vs. 1.04 eu innerSense 5 € on nl Talented Lost
et 10.08.14 15:45 aevium gaming pl 18.35 vs. 1.06 pl We pwn all 15 € on pl aev Won 275€
et 09.08.14 14:45 aevium gaming pl 2.67 vs. 1.60 be greejtsjot 5 € on be v56 Won 8€
et 09.08.14 00:00 WINNERMANS eu 1.01 vs. 100.00 pl electric-charge 3 € on pl ech Lost
et 08.08.14 20:30 overrated-us us 1.61 vs. 2.64 be LIKE A BOSS 5 € on be BOSS Won 13€
et 08.08.14 00:30 Lifestyle pl 1.05 vs. 21.29 us Automatic 5 € on us Auto Lost
1 [...] 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 [ 108 ] 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 [...] 230