Gambling Stats

de deact_40746's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 4917 Total Set Money 1477877 €
Winning Percentage 32 % Losing Percentage 68 %
Total Money 755.18 € Total Capital 755.18 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 [ 174 ] 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 [...] 230
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 23.07.13 18:00 uNsAfe il 3.02 vs. 1.49 eu meet your masters 1 € on il uNs Won 3€
et 23.07.13 11:45 Skull Commando Squad nl 1.98 vs. 2.02 pl eats my bullets bitch matches 1 € on nl SCS Won 2€
et 22.07.13 22:30 SixStar Red gb 1.09 vs. 11.85 be AntiClimax 1 € on be aClmx Lost
et 22.07.13 22:15 South Tyrol eu 1.70 vs. 3.97 pl Ammo. 1 € on eu ST Bet was cancelled
et 22.07.13 22:00 Team kApot nl 21.57 vs. 1.05 nl Team m4rk 1 € on nl kApot Draw
et 22.07.13 22:00 Team Bartjee nl 4.49 vs. 1.29 be Team Appel 1 € on nl Bartjee Lost
et 22.07.13 22:00 30 seconds to MARS eu 1.20 vs. 5.91 cz Team-Sorgu 1 € on cz sorGu Bet was cancelled
et 22.07.13 21:00 Team kApot nl 1.52 vs. 2.91 be Team Appel 1 € on nl kApot Lost
et 22.07.13 21:00 Team m4rk nl 1.06 vs. 18.55 nl Team Bartjee 1 € on nl Bartjee Lost
et 22.07.13 21:00 Serious Incident Called Karma eu 1.12 vs. 9.34 eu bSTURZ 1 € on eu bSTURZ Lost
et 22.07.13 21:00 be 6.51 vs. 1.24 xi #ALMIGHTY.ET 1 € on be Bet was cancelled
et 22.07.13 21:00 SUPERSANKARIT eu 12.84 vs. 1.08 xi Fuck The Name 1 € on eu sups Lost
et 22.07.13 20:00 Team m4rk nl 1.18 vs. 6.63 be Team Appel 5 € on nl m4rk Won 6€
et 22.07.13 20:00 THE BEST us 2.42 vs. 1.70 eu Controlled Gaming 1 € on eu #CTRL.d Won 2€
et 22.07.13 20:00 Team kApot nl 1.29 vs. 4.39 nl Team Bartjee 1 € on nl Bartjee Lost
et 22.07.13 18:30 thefinest fi 1.91 vs. 2.10 fi turbot 1 € on fi turbot Won 2€
et 21.07.13 22:30 Echarge pl 1.40 vs. 3.47 pl Coffee Time 1 € on pl Echarge Won 1€
et 21.07.13 22:00 Unbreakable Gaming eu 2.20 vs. 1.83 pl to Make odds even 1 € on eu .:ub: Bet was cancelled
rtcw 21.07.13 22:00 Unity us 1.12 vs. 9.44 us Ground Force Unit 1 € on us GFU Lost
et 21.07.13 21:30 mikeh's low gamers eu 1.59 vs. 2.70 ee Rulers Of The Deep 1 € on eu mLG Lost
et 21.07.13 21:30 LEGENDTRG de 2.05 vs. 1.95 il #Fidelity 4 € on de LEGEND Won 8€
et 21.07.13 21:30 amped be 2.63 vs. 1.61 eu ofc ofc vent vent 1 € on be ampd Won 3€
et 21.07.13 21:00 Team Decerto nl 6.40 vs. 1.19 de rockit.ET 1 € on nl decerto Lost
et 21.07.13 21:00 business as usual de 1.83 vs. 2.20 us Electrostatic Discharge 1 € on de bd Lost
et 21.07.13 21:00 greejtsjot be 4.34 vs. 1.30 pl 1 € on be v56 Lost
1 [...] 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 [ 174 ] 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 [...] 230