Gambling Stats

be Fex's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 44 Total Set Money 1400 €
Winning Percentage 61 % Losing Percentage 39 %
Total Money 207.29 € Total Capital 207.29 €

Recent Bets

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Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 24.01.08 21:00 Hyperion Gaming nl 1.17 vs. 6.87 nl Mazz 26 € on nl HP/ Bet was cancelled
qw 23.01.08 21:00 Team SPEED-LINK de 2.16 vs. 1.86 se Kompaniet 13 € on se k. Won 24€
et 23.01.08 21:00 Hyperion Gaming nl 1.12 vs. 9.13 be Team visualize 20 € on nl HP/ Bet was cancelled
et 23.01.08 20:30 some1s pl 7.70 vs. 1.15 be Underground Gaming 5 € on be uGaming Lost
qw 23.01.08 20:00 Belgium be 6.54 vs. 1.18 fi Finland 39 € on fi FIN Won 46€
et 17.01.08 21:00 bSTURZ eu 1.60 vs. 2.66 hr Cortana 50 € on eu bSTURZ Lost
qw 16.01.08 21:00 Four Kings gb 1.45 vs. 3.22 fi Pelit 25 € on gb 4K Won 36€
q3 15.01.08 23:00 pod1 pl 1.52 vs. 2.94 dk light 5 € on dk light Won 15€
et 15.01.08 22:00 Ireland ie 1.31 vs. 4.26 bg Bulgaria 30 € on ie IE Lost
et 13.01.08 21:30 9th Dimension at 3.88 vs. 1.35 de Return To Germany 5 € on at 9th Lost
et 13.01.08 21:00 USA us 1.62 vs. 2.62 ro Romania 15 € on us USA Won 24€
q3 13.01.08 21:00 Terifire nl 1.78 vs. 2.28 fi Varma 5 € on fi Varma Lost
et 13.01.08 21:00 savak pl 4.63 vs. 1.28 be EDiT 52 € on be EDiT Won 67€
et 09.01.08 22:00 Mazz nl 3.30 vs. 1.44 pl slayers team 20 € on pl sT Won 29€
et 09.01.08 21:30 muse-gaming fr 3.01 vs. 1.50 eu Team-Unique 30 € on eu unq Won 45€
et 08.01.08 21:30 executors pl 8.65 vs. 1.13 pl Fear Factory X-Fi 17 € on pl FF X-Fi Won 19€
et 08.01.08 21:30 #fayntic nl 8.03 vs. 1.14 eu Team-Unique 34 € on eu unq Won 39€
et 08.01.08 21:00 Nyja pl 5.03 vs. 1.25 pl savak 8 € on pl Nyja Lost
et 07.01.08 21:45 Authentic Gaming eu 2.27 vs. 1.78 fi Incomplete 20 € on fi Inc Lost
et 07.01.08 21:00 9th Dimension at 1.85 vs. 2.17 si Skylla 5 € on si Skylla Won 11€
et 06.01.08 21:30 Incomplete fi 1.55 vs. 2.82 eu Ministry of Defence 10 € on eu bSTURZ Won 28€
et 06.01.08 21:00 xi 1.84 vs. 2.19 pl eXert 5 € on pl eXert Won 11€
et 06.01.08 20:30 Gamedivision eu 1.51 vs. 2.96 eu Krauts 10 € on eu GAMEd Won 15€
et 06.01.08 20:00 Authentic Gaming eu 1.15 vs. 7.86 hu underscore 10 € on eu Auth Won 12€
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