Gambling Stats

de striker's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 1776 Total Set Money 321373 €
Winning Percentage 58 % Losing Percentage 42 %
Total Money 80.00 € Total Capital 80 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [ 16 ] 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 [...] 85
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 23.07.12 19:00 Bo0 ee 10.09 vs. 1.11 ru FuBoR 250 € on ru FuBoR Bet was cancelled
et 23.07.12 01:30 pwners? gb 4.14 vs. 1.56 eu ofc ofc vent vent 250 € on eu ofc ofc Bet was cancelled
et 23.07.12 01:30 French tard fr 1.51 vs. 2.94 ca FAMILIA 250 € on ca FAM Lost
et 22.07.12 23:00 French tard fr 1.02 vs. 51.24 mx #violents 250 € on fr ftard Won 255€
et 22.07.12 23:00 Descent us 1.32 vs. 4.10 fi Improper Bastards 250 € on us des. Bet was cancelled
et 22.07.12 22:00 romaniancyberwarrior hu 1.04 vs. 25.45 hu Regress/ 250 € on hu RCW Won 260€
et 22.07.12 21:30 Team Decerto nl 1.40 vs. 3.51 eu JungleBrothers 250 € on nl decerto Won 350€
et 22.07.12 21:30 colt 45 and two zig Zags gb 3.35 vs. 1.43 eu miNd's Pro Gamers club 250 € on gb colt45 Won 838€
et 22.07.12 21:30 nhncd eu 3.00 vs. 1.50 be AntiClimax 250 € on be aClmx Won 375€
et 22.07.12 21:15 eL fusioN eu 8.98 vs. 1.13 fr 250 € on fr sticked Bet was cancelled
et 22.07.12 21:00 qualitY gaming eu 1.29 vs. 4.44 us Descent 250 € on eu qltY Bet was cancelled
et 22.07.12 21:00 PowerMaurerClanGermany de 1.71 vs. 2.41 fi w0bble 250 € on fi w0bble Lost
et 22.07.12 20:30 fr 1.12 vs. 9.66 hu sAlvation# 250 € on fr LEFU Won 280€
et 22.07.12 20:00 8Bits hu 3.00 vs. 1.54 us Grenades Galore 100 € on hu 8Bits Bet was cancelled
et 22.07.12 20:00 CGSWINNERS pl 1.01 vs. 100.00 pl Skup Butelek @ #nuclear-outside 5 € on pl nudE Lost
et 22.07.12 20:00 8Bits hu 5.71 vs. 1.77 us Grenades Galore 250 € on hu 8Bits Bet was cancelled
et 22.07.12 19:00 Warriors of Wolfenstein pl 1.04 vs. 27.69 pl tryout 5 € on pl try Lost
et 22.07.12 19:00 devilry pl 1.03 vs. 33.18 pl Prove it. 5 € on pl prove!t Lost
et 22.07.12 19:00 diversus pl 1.01 vs. 68.38 pl legendary-et 5 € on pl legen Lost
et 22.07.12 19:00 dwukropekha pl 3.86 vs. 1.35 de Lost Soldiers 250 € on pl :h Lost
et 22.07.12 19:00 Devastation eu 1.07 vs. 16.21 eu 5 € on eu exile Bet was cancelled
et 19.07.12 22:00 Awesome pwners! pl 13.01 vs. 1.08 us Eff You 250 € on us t(*_*t) Won 270€
et 19.07.12 21:45 ProGamerS it 10.55 vs. 1.10 eu eL fusioN 250 € on eu eL fusi Won 275€
et 19.07.12 21:30 fr 3.76 vs. 1.36 fi Improper Bastards 250 € on fi ib Won 340€
et 19.07.12 21:30 Prove it. pl 2.04 vs. 1.96 pl Team cazadi 250 € on pl prove!t Won 510€
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