Gambling Stats

de striker's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 1776 Total Set Money 321373 €
Winning Percentage 58 % Losing Percentage 42 %
Total Money 80.00 € Total Capital 80 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 [ 50 ] 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 [...] 85
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 26.07.11 20:00 nQw Dracula ro 1.08 vs. 13.00 pl FURIA v2 3 € on pl FURIA Lost
et 25.07.11 23:45 darts-Team pl 1.37 vs. 3.70 pl Clan6 250 € on pl darts Lost
et 25.07.11 22:00 Fact Is Fiction no 1.06 vs. 17.54 ca Pornstars 521 € on no FiFic Won 552€
et 25.07.11 21:30 back 2 kill pl 1.99 vs. 2.01 fr aToOn - logic 250 € on fr <?/aToOn Lost
et 25.07.11 21:00 PIMMELBANDE de 19.92 vs. 1.05 fi thefinest 5 € on de PB Lost
et 25.07.11 21:00 Belgianlions be 1.03 vs. 33.15 eu The eXtinct 245 € on be LIONS Won 252€
et 25.07.11 19:00 PIMMELBANDE de 1.12 vs. 9.21 pl Izi 4 Pandas 500 € on de PB Won 560€
et 25.07.11 16:15 turbot fi 1.79 vs. 2.27 pl head hunters 753 € on pl :h Won 1,709€
et 24.07.11 22:15 Legendary de 1.11 vs. 10.11 cl Synergy 5 € on cl Syn Lost
et 24.07.11 21:45 to Make odds even pl 1.26 vs. 4.84 eu mkidA 105 € on eu mkidA Lost
et 24.07.11 21:30 wnbpro de 3.81 vs. 1.36 eu #Team-VorteX 50 € on de wnbpro Won 191€
et 24.07.11 21:00 Team mythica pl 1.64 vs. 2.57 gb iN dA Mix 250 € on pl mythica Bet was cancelled
et 24.07.11 21:00 wiSe-guys pl 2.61 vs. 1.62 nl aegrus 250 € on nl ae Lost
et 24.07.11 21:00 Fuck The Name xi 1.86 vs. 2.16 no Fact Is Fiction 250 € on no FiFic Lost
et 24.07.11 21:00 happyface es 1.25 vs. 4.95 br in game 250 € on es h-face Lost
et 24.07.11 21:00 Clan6 pl 6.40 vs. 1.19 ee glitz 250 € on ee glitz Bet was cancelled
et 24.07.11 20:00 rakije&municije hr 1.40 vs. 3.53 be Strenght And Honor 50 € on be SaH Lost
et 24.07.11 20:00 SYMBOLES fr 1.08 vs. 13.46 de Dreamcatcher 250 € on fr sex Won 270€
et 24.07.11 20:00 Summer Project eu 2.28 vs. 1.78 fi turbot 200 € on fi turbot Won 356€
et 24.07.11 18:00 wiSe-guys pl 1.68 vs. 2.48 fi turbot 200 € on pl wiSe Won 336€
et 20.07.11 22:30 BlaBla nl 1.01 vs. 100.00 eu The eXtinct 2,436 € on nl Bla Won 2,460€
et 19.07.11 21:00 european dream team eu 6.52 vs. 1.18 nl Team Decerto 200 € on nl decerto Won 236€
et 19.07.11 20:00 Fuck The Name xi 1.40 vs. 3.49 pl BadBoys 200 € on xi FTN Bet was cancelled
et 19.07.11 20:00 killuminati si 1.52 vs. 2.93 pl fullof 200 € on si -k. Bet was cancelled
et 19.07.11 20:00 Team Decerto nl 1.14 vs. 8.37 fi #r@g eSports 23 € on fi r@g Lost
1 [...] 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 [ 50 ] 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 [...] 85