Gambling Stats

pl sokl's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 473 Total Set Money 23213 €
Winning Percentage 64 % Losing Percentage 36 %
Total Money 163.92 € Total Capital 163.92 €

Recent Bets

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Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 20.02.11 17:15 voiler pl 1.10 vs. 11.22 pl stapec 33 € on pl voiler Won 36€
et 17.02.11 20:00 Northern Europe eu 2.75 vs. 1.57 eu Eastern Europe 56 € on eu North Lost
et 13.02.11 21:00 Poland pl 1.25 vs. 5.04 ca Canada 49 € on pl POL Won 61€
et 01.02.11 21:15 red as a beetroot fi 2.05 vs. 1.95 pl to Make odds even 68 € on fi RAAB Lost
et 20.01.11 20:00 epinephrine pl 2.61 vs. 1.62 eu Kot Da Vinci 68 € on eu vinci Draw
et 19.01.11 21:30 K1ck eSports Club ee 1.78 vs. 2.28 de teamoxid 49 € on ee k1ck Won 87€
et 16.01.11 19:00 - North pl 1.23 vs. 5.32 pl - South 88 € on pl North.PL Lost
et 09.01.11 21:00 Justfire pl 2.13 vs. 1.89 pl Meeting With Professionals 175 € on pl MwP.ET Lost
et 06.01.11 21:30 boozers pl 1.07 vs. 33.86 eu 88 € on eu aR| Bet was cancelled
et 06.01.11 21:30 Polish Most Valuable Players pl 1.11 vs. 10.33 pl 1stCav eSports Club 175 € on pl PMVP Bet was cancelled
et 06.01.11 02:00 hiatus ca 1.03 vs. 38.87 cl Chilean Miners 37 € on ca hiatus Won 38€
et 05.01.11 23:00 to Make odds even pl 1.83 vs. 2.20 pl regards Dolan 250 € on pl regards Lost
et 04.01.11 21:00 Most Valuable Players eu 1.37 vs. 3.71 de SPEEDLINK 233 € on eu MvP Lost
et 03.01.11 21:00 nl 1.18 vs. 6.66 nl DRAAKJES 58 € on nl charism Won 68€
et 03.01.11 20:30 increased gb 1.58 vs. 2.72 pl 117 € on gb inc/ Won 185€
et 02.01.11 22:00 WinFakt! be 1.83 vs. 2.21 pl high five 250 € on be WinFakt! Bet was cancelled
et 01.01.11 20:30 Juden Laggers il 1.14 vs. 8.33 il Protego 100 € on il JL Won 114€
et 30.12.10 21:00 Pharaons fr 13.13 vs. 1.08 de SPEEDLINK 200 € on de SL Won 216€
et 30.12.10 20:00 What The Fuck? pl 2.09 vs. 1.92 pl liQuid brain 100 € on pl liQuid Lost
et 29.12.10 21:30 Team-Homer pl 1.46 vs. 3.18 il Team-Lion 197 € on il Lion Won 626€
et 19.12.10 21:30 to Make odds even pl 5.31 vs. 1.23 eu stronger than hate 100 € on eu sth Bet was cancelled
et 19.12.10 19:00 Keskus Rikos Poliisi fi 1.17 vs. 6.79 pl 1stCav eSports Club 25 € on pl 1stCav Bet was cancelled
et 19.12.10 19:00 Frag Amazing pl 1.56 vs. 2.78 cz six men in battle 13 € on cz 6miB Bet was cancelled
et 19.12.10 18:00 credibilis. de 1.17 vs. 6.89 pl 1stCav eSports Club 50 € on pl 1stCav Won 345€
et 23.11.10 21:30 Justfun fr 1.28 vs. 4.54 fr Super Mytho Crew 22 € on fr Just4 Lost
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