League List

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  League Homepage Organisation
CS:GO FACEIT March Championship 2014 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1337&ref=hotmatch GamesTV.org
CS:GO FaceIt Saturday Spring Cup #1 http://play.faceit.com/home GamesTV.org
CS:GO FACEIT Spring League 2014 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1357&ref=hotmatch GamesTV.org
QL FaceIt Sunday Cup http://play.faceit.com/home GamesTV.org
QL FACEIT SUNDAY SPRING CUP [EU] http://faceit.com/ GamesTV.org
QL FACEIT SUNDAY SPRING CUP [NA] http://faceit.com/ GamesTV.org
QL FaceIt Winter Season Championship Finale http://www.esreality.com/post/2403819/faceit-winter-season-championship-finale/ GamesTV.org
QL FACEIT: Legends Cup http://www.esreality.com/post/2359837/faceit-legends-cup-event-and-details/ GamesTV.org
QL FACEIT: Level 10 Cup http://play.faceit.com/home Official GTV Coverage
OW Fantasy Expo Challenge http://fechallenge.com/ GamesTV.org
ET fc| Cup http://cup.fcclan.net GamesTV.org
ET fc| Spring Cup 2008 http://fcclan.net/cup GamesTV.org
ET FEcup III http://wh-gaming.net/fecup GamesTV.org
ET FFB cup http://tournoi-ffb.verygames.net/ GamesTV.org
ET FiF Cup http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?lid=5523 GamesTV.org
FIFA Fifa Pro Clubs | iFVPA Champions League https://www.virtualpronetwork.com/apps/de/tournament/pc-61-iFVPA+Champions+League ProLeague
FIFA Fifa Pro Clubs | iFVPA Confed Cup https://www.virtualpronetwork.com/apps/de/internationals/tournament/9 ProLeague
FIFA Fifa Pro Clubs | iFVPA Euro Cup https://www.virtualpronetwork.com/apps/de/internationals/tournament/6 ProLeague
FIFA Fifa Pro Clubs | iFVPA Euro League https://www.virtualpronetwork.com/apps/de/tournament/pc-446-iFVPA+Europa+League ProLeague
FIFA Fifa Pro Clubs | iFVPA World Cup https://www.virtualpronetwork.com/apps/de/internationals/tournament/17 ProLeague
FIFA Fifa Pro Clubs | League Cup https://www.proleague.de/tournament.php ProLeague
FIFA Fifa Pro Clubs | League Four https://www.proleague.de/league.php?league=4#table ProLeague
FIFA Fifa Pro Clubs | League Int https://www.proleague.de/league.php?league=int1#table ProLeague
FIFA Fifa Pro Clubs | League One https://www.proleague.de/league.php?league=1#table ProLeague
FIFA Fifa Pro Clubs | League Three https://www.proleague.de/league.php?league=3#table ProLeague
FIFA Fifa Pro Clubs | League Two https://www.proleague.de/league.php?league=2#table ProLeague
FIFA Fifa Pro Clubs | One Day Cup https://www.proleague.de/tournament.php ProLeague
ET FlaNe-Cup 2.0 http://hoi GamesTV.org
ET FlashForward http://flashforward.tourney.cc/ GamesTV.org
ET FlashForward.et http://google.com GamesTV.org
CS:GO Fnatic FragOut CS:GO League 1 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1049 GamesTV.org
CS:GO Fnatic FragOut League Season 3 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1310 GamesTV.org
WC3 Fnatic's King of Kings Championship http://www.fnatic.com GamesTV.org
ET Force'gaming Cup http://cup.zeroforces.nl/ GamesTV.org
ET frag-theatre Cup http://cup.frag-theatre.eu GamesTV.org
CS:GO Fragbite Masters http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1266 Official GTV Coverage
CS:GO Fragbite Masters Season 3 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1500 GamesTV.org
ET Fragland 4 http://www.fragland4.com GamesTV.org
BF2 FragTV.net - Live LAN Event www.fragtv.net GamesTV.org
BF2 FragTV.net - Special Event www.fragtv.net GamesTV.org
ET FrenchLigue http://frenchligue.fr/ GamesTV.org
ET Frenchy-Cup www.frenchy-cup.com GamesTV.org
ET Freshcore Cup http://freshcore.tourney.cc GamesTV.org
ET Friendcup http://friendscup.tourney.cc/ GamesTV.org
ET Frogz All Stars http://?? GamesTV.org
ET Frogz Winter 2012 http://www.gamefrog.fr GamesTV.org
ET Frostbite Sunday http://www.tlr-esports.com/tournaments/31/Frostbite-Sunday Official GTV Coverage
ET Fun-Cup http://jff-funclan.de/fun-cup/ GamesTV.org
ET Funcups one day cup http://funcups.tourney.cc/ Official GTV Coverage
CS:GO Fusion.bet Masters II https://www.hltv.org/events/3824/fusionbet-masters-ii GamesTV.org
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