League List

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  League Homepage Organisation
RTCW RtCW eZbash Cup 3v3 http://ezbh.freeforums.org/ GamesTV.org
RTCW RtCW eZbash Cup 6v6 http://ezbh.freeforums.org/ GamesTV.org
RTCW RtCW Fall Cup 2012 http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?lid=12928 ClanBase
RTCW RtCW Legacy Cup 2013 http://binarybeast.com/xRtCW1303300 GamesTV.org
RTCW RTCW Tavern Rush LAN https://www.rtcw.events/event/schedule GamesTV.org
RTCW RTCW XMAS Onedaycup 2018 https://www.crossfire.nu/news/9084/rtcw-crossfire-xmas-onedaycup GamesTV.org
RTCW RtCW-Cup 3 http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=22969 Crossfire.nu
RTCW RtCW-Cup 4 http://www.rtcw-cup.co.uk/ GamesTV.org
RTCW RtCW-Cup IV http://www.RTCW-CUP.co.uk GamesTV.org
RTCW RtCW-Cup NC I http://rtcw-cup.co.uk GamesTV.org
RTCW RTCW.live https://www.rtcw.live/ GamesTV.org
RTCW RTCW.Live Blood Vengeance Season 1 https://www.rtcw.live/season-1 GamesTV.org
RTCW RTCW.Live Savage Retribution Season 2 https://www.rtcw.live/season-1 GamesTV.org
RTCW RTCW.Live Season 7 https://sites.google.com/view/rtcw-season-1/season-7?authuser=0 RTCW.Live Events
ET RTCW2-Cup http://rtcw2-news.de/board/board.php?boardid=16 GamesTV.org
ET rykoszet.cup http://rykoszet.tourney.cc GamesTV.org
ET S@do-Cup http://www.sadocup.com/ GamesTV.org
LoL S2 World Playoffs http://competitive.na.leagueoflegends.com/season-2-world-championship GamesTV.org
ET SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament http://www.gamestv.org/sage.php GamesTV.org
ET SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=news&mode=item&id=6778 GamesTV.org
ET Salvia ET Cup http://salvia.tourney.cc/ GamesTV.org
ET sccup http://sccup.free.fr GamesTV.org
LoL Season 3 World Championship http://lol.gamepedia.com/Season_3_World_Championship GamesTV.org
LoL Season 4 World Championship http://lol.gamepedia.com/Riot_-_World_Championship_2014 GamesTV.org
LoL Season 5 World Championship http://lol.gamepedia.com/2015_World_Championship GamesTV.org
ET Sektor Gaming ET Quality Cup http://team-sektor.com/index.php?site=cups&action=details&cupID=3 GamesTV.org
ET selected5 3on3 cup http://www.selected5.be/cup/index.php GamesTV.org
ET Sensor Cup www.sensor-cup.de.vu GamesTV.org
ET Sensor Cup www.sensor-cup.de.vu GamesTV.org
ET setuper One Day Cup http://setuper.tourney.cc/ GamesTV.org
ET sF-cup http://www.freewebs.com/sFcup GamesTV.org
ET SFe-Cup http://sfe-cup.tourney.cc GamesTV.org
ET Shadow Cup www.shadowcup.republika.pl GamesTV.org
ET shgOpen Denmark http://www.shgopen.com GamesTV.org
ET shidima Cup http://shidima-sgp.tourney.cc GamesTV.org
BF2 Shock and Awe - 8vs8 www.saaw.nu GamesTV.org
ET Showmatch http://www.gamestv.org GamesTV.org
cod4 Showmatch http://www.hitpoint.cz/ Hitpoint.cz
RTCW Showmatch http://www,.gamestv.org GamesTV.org
ET Silentium 3on3 Night Cup http://silentium.tourney.cc GamesTV.org
ET Silver Cup 5on5 http://silvercup5on5.tourney.cc/ GamesTV.org
ET siN.Gaming CUP http://sin4u.tourney.cc/ GamesTV.org
ET Skeit34 3o3 cup http://skeit34.tourney.cc/ GamesTV.org
CS:GO SL i-League Invitational #1 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=357&eventid=2187 GamesTV.org
CS:GO SL i-League Season 3 Europe Qualifier http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=357&eventid=2687 GamesTV.org
CS:GO SL i-League StarSeries Season 2 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=357&eventid=2325 GamesTV.org
CS:GO SL i-League StarSeries Season 3 Finals http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=357&eventid=2683 GamesTV.org
CS:GO SL i-League StarSeries XIV http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1970 GamesTV.org
ET sledgeh 6v6 Cup www.scup.be GamesTV.org
ET sledgeh.et 1 Day 3v3 http://www.scup3on3.tk/ GamesTV.org
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