League List

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  League Homepage Organisation
Sc Averatec-Intel Classic 2008 Season 2 http://www.gomtv.net GamesTV.org
Sc Averatec-Intel Classic Special Match http://www.gomtv.net/classics2/news/102 GamesTV.org
ET BadboymixCup GamesTV.org
ET Baserace http://www.crossfire.nu GamesTV.org
ET Baserace Cup 2006 - powered by [GMC] Clan http://turnier.gmc-clan.de/news/ GamesTV.org
RTCW Battle For Berlin http://bfb.nb-hosting.com GamesTV.org
ET Battle for Berlin http://www.crossfire.nu/ Crossfire.nu
ET Battle For Berlin II http://www.crossfire.nu/ Official GTV Coverage
LoL Battle of the Atlantic 2013 http://lol.gamepedia.com/Battle_of_the_Atlantic_2013 GamesTV.org
ET Belgian 3v3 Championship http://bk3v3.tourney.cc Official GTV Coverage
ET BeNe Cup 2.0 http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=clan&mode=item&id=7419 GamesTV.org
ET BeNe-Cup 2009 http://benecup.tourney.cc/ Official GTV Coverage
ET BeNeLux Championship http://bnlchampionship.tourney.cc/brackets/ GamesTV.org
ET Benelux Cup III http://www.clanbase.com/news_league.php?lid=3002
ET BeneluxCup http://www.clanbase.com/news_league.php?lid=3002
CS:GO BenQ All-Star Showmatch #2 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1548 GamesTV.org
ET bitches Cup http://bitches.tourney.cc/ Official GTV Coverage
CS:GO BLAST Pro Series Copenhagen 2018 https://www.hltv.org/events/3701/blast-pro-series-copenhagen-2018 GamesTV.org
CS:GO BLAST Pro Series Istanbul 2018 https://www.hltv.org/events/3647/blast-pro-series-istanbul-2018 GamesTV.org
CS:GO BLAST Pro Series Lisbon 2018 https://www.hltv.org/events/4205/blast-pro-series-lisbon-2018 GamesTV.org
CS:GO BLAST Pro Series Madrid 2019 https://www.hltv.org/events/4328/blast-pro-series-madrid-2019 GamesTV.org
CS:GO BLAST Pro Series Miami 2019 https://www.hltv.org/events/4327/blast-pro-series-miami-2019 GamesTV.org
CS:GO BLAST Pro Series Sao Paulo 2019 https://www.hltv.org/events/4326/blast-pro-series-so-paulo-2019 GamesTV.org
Sc Blizzcon 2008 http://www.blizzcon.com GamesTV.org
WS Bomb 5v5 longcup http://longcup.tourney.cc/ Official GTV Coverage
ET boulardscup http://boulardscup.com/ Official GTV Coverage
ET BusinessDistrict Cup http://business.tourney.cc/ GamesTV.org
ET bust3d Cup http://www.bust3d.net.tc/ GamesTV.org
Sc BW Massacres League http://www.massacres.cl/bwml.html GamesTV.org
Sc BWCL War of the Week http://broodwar.ingame.de/bwcl/ GamesTV.org
ET c2_missile Showmatches http://crossfire.nu GamesTV.org
ET c4L http://c4l.bplaced.net/bracket_view.php GamesTV.org
ET cabt 3on3 Cup http://cabtcup.tourney.cc/ GamesTV.org
ET:QW CAL 6v6 Open http://www.caleague.com/?division=etqwo GamesTV.org
BF2 CAL BF2 12vs12 Open http://www.caleague.com/?division=bf2o GamesTV.org
BF2 CAL BF2 8v8 Open http://caleague.com/?division=bf28 GamesTV.org
BF2 CAL BF2 8vs8 Main http://caleague.com/?division=b28m GamesTV.org
CS CAL Invitational www.calleague.com GamesTV.org
ET Caseking Cup http://challonge.com/spireetcup GamesTV.org
CS:GO Caseking King of Kings http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1539 GamesTV.org
CS:GO Caseking of the Hill #2 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1429&ref=hotmatch GamesTV.org
CS:GO Caseking of the Hill #3 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1440&ref=hotmatch GamesTV.org
CS:GO Caseking of the Hill #4 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1446&ref=hotmatch GamesTV.org
CS:GO Caseking of the Hill #5 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1454 GamesTV.org
CS:GO Caseking of the Hill #6 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1465 GamesTV.org
CS:GO Caseking of the Hill #7 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1472 GamesTV.org
CS:GO Caseking of the Hill #8 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1485 GamesTV.org
CS:GO Caseking of the Hill #9 http://www.hltv.org/?pageid=82&eventid=1491 GamesTV.org
TMF CB 1on1 Rounds Ladder http://clanbase.ggl.com/rating.php?lid=7743 ClanBase
UT CB 1v1 EuroCup XIII http://www.clanbase.com/news_league.php?lid=2571
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