ET EuroCup Invitations (1266 Views)

written by gb angrykid on 23.04.06 21:58


good invites imo, 1st btw
Nice, glad to see heavily qualifiers as I think alot of these teams have something to prove.

Expect iTG coverage for the majority of these matches.

We're back!
Toss, guess what your mates did?
whats that?
When they needed to announce the ET-Teams, they tuned in into your cast and surprise, surprise you started announcing them in that exact moment and did their job. They had a good laugh. Good show ;)
shoutcast beta matches !
Well chosen. Looking forward to the matches.
nice invites =)

gl beta
some weird choses for direct invite but well done I think.
too bad dvotion isnt directly invited
good that we never said we want ec
(22:14:52) (@ohzor4) Azure Azure Fate (inactive)
(22:14:54) (@ohzor4) @ wl Oo

nice inviting inactive clans
Since when have they been inactive?
they dropped because they were at alpha and not premier afaik :/
that's the spirit of ET!
stfu whiner... that's the only you know how to do!! EC skillorz ^^
will this comment be removed if I spam? I'll try atleast. is going to make a coverage about this Eurocup.
page is off :)
try now, I wrote azure-fate :D
now it works :D
We should disable editing so winghaven looks like a fool spamming on my website :( maybe? -_-'
what you wrote is no spam because it contains usefull information that some people even might be interested in ;)
gl o8, azure, dfiance, 141, 6s !
go eSrael ;], nice teams.
gl o8 rewind 6s beta and azure =D
Azure deserved this direct invite :D

Aunq Wing apesta ¬¬
gl tekoaA!
Where is my direct invite? I smell a conspiracy!
u have to make fragmovie and presentation on xfire then u get an invite :P
kujuneb vs highbot is the most interesting I think, HB has to finally prove their worth.
underscore vs Sanctus will be the hardest... gl to mize, aza and ati
Good Luck Artificial!
Good Luck Xzone, don't underestimate muse (Freek za own0r <3)
better rifle than mesq1?
true, muse are very good
btw what happened to negative image? I have never read something like "-img calls it a day".
they folded like 1 1/2 weeks ago
HB|humm3l - "6v6 Et now mid #highbot"

Some of these teams are just laughable... teams get picked cuz they have played a long time together or becouse they are from a certain country... they still LACK the skill to play EC.

this is rubbish... EC should be abt skill not where u come from...

*insert random whine etc etc*

I could make a nice list but i dont wanna point fingers to much... i just think they whole concept of decideing which clans to play is rubbish. maybe host somesort of league or official tournament to decide who plays or something... since the admins obviusly aint cabable of decideing... or even better.... let me decide :)
Imo u should put screen of your pracc result vs highbot, that would change alot.
well, thats why there are qualifiers, because its not sure if those clans qualify for eurocup ...