1-Day 6on6 Cup by #ET-Cup (1066 Views)
written by NxM on 24.04.06 15:19
While the Invite Only cup is still busy, the crew of ET-Cup decided to make another cup. This cup will be a 1-Day cup, on Sunday 30 April 2006. This will be the 10th cup hosted by ET-Cup, the Invite Only cup is the 9th cup. In the 8th edition, retro4u.de won the exciting 3on3 cup. This time there will be a new and better cup, organized by the 2 new added admins NxM and Insu.
Click on Read More to see the details for the cup.
Details 1-Day ET-Cup #10[/h]
Date: Sunday 30 April 2006
Admins: NxM & Insu
Clans: 32
Players: 6on6
Additional info:
- Signups are opened from Today till Sunday 14:45 CET.
- Clans have to checkin by pming NxM on #ET-Cup if they want to participate (after they signed up) - Times below.
- Teams play 1 map (2 sw rounds) per round - Decider will be chosen by elimination after a cointoss.
- Every round 1 match (hopefully) on ETTV.
- Using the rules located here.
- We'll use ETPro 3.2.5 and the new Spring 6v6 config.
- You're allowed to use mercs who are not in your clan.
Times and Maps:
14:15 CET till 14:45 CET - Checkin
14:55 CET - Grid announced
15:00 CET - 1/16 Final (32 Clans) - Frostbite
16:00 CET - 1/8 Final (16 Clans remaining) - Braundorf_b4
17:00 CET - 1/4 Final (8 Clans remaining) - Adlernest_b7c
19:30 CET - 1/2 Final (4 Clans remaining) - supplydepot2 / sw_goldrush_te
21:00 CET - Final (2 Clans remaining) - Frostbite / Braundorf_b4
If you have any questions, don't bother to message an OP on #ET-Cup. Teams who signed up so far can be found on the Teams page on the site.
For new, grab a team together and signup here!
Website | IRC
Click on Read More to see the details for the cup.
Details 1-Day ET-Cup #10[/h]
Date: Sunday 30 April 2006
Admins: NxM & Insu
Clans: 32
Players: 6on6
Additional info:
- Signups are opened from Today till Sunday 14:45 CET.
- Clans have to checkin by pming NxM on #ET-Cup if they want to participate (after they signed up) - Times below.
- Teams play 1 map (2 sw rounds) per round - Decider will be chosen by elimination after a cointoss.
- Every round 1 match (hopefully) on ETTV.
- Using the rules located here.
- We'll use ETPro 3.2.5 and the new Spring 6v6 config.
- You're allowed to use mercs who are not in your clan.
Times and Maps:
14:15 CET till 14:45 CET - Checkin
14:55 CET - Grid announced
15:00 CET - 1/16 Final (32 Clans) - Frostbite
16:00 CET - 1/8 Final (16 Clans remaining) - Braundorf_b4
17:00 CET - 1/4 Final (8 Clans remaining) - Adlernest_b7c
19:30 CET - 1/2 Final (4 Clans remaining) - supplydepot2 / sw_goldrush_te
21:00 CET - Final (2 Clans remaining) - Frostbite / Braundorf_b4
If you have any questions, don't bother to message an OP on #ET-Cup. Teams who signed up so far can be found on the Teams page on the site.
For new, grab a team together and signup here!
Website | IRC
Monday, 24th April 2006 15:47
Hope eurocup doesnt get in your way
frostbite is fun :-)
frostbite is fun :-)
You're allowed to use mercs who are not in your clan
Kinda standard for 1-day cups, not that many teams have 6 from their lineup available that early, so they need mercs :D
imo its more important that the clan plays at all than if it plays with lots of mercs
this is not eurocup we should not see it too strict, as long as one person doesnt play for 2 teams in the same cup i'd always allow it
this is not eurocup we should not see it too strict, as long as one person doesnt play for 2 teams in the same cup i'd always allow it
i hope it will not be a merc cup :< just play with your own players imo =D