crowned kings once more (2805 Views)
written by
on 06.08.06 01:51

Sixteen teams entered the competition but only three will remain known after tonight's explosive final between and For the second year running, the slightly altered lineup has pushed it's way to the number one position; claiming the ultimate title and the cash bounty that comes with it. The final match saw community-site-backed

Sadly, a 4-2 win was the most they could muster in a nail-biting ETTV experience that will not easily be forgotten. Of course, nobody in the top three goes home empty handed.It goes without saying that even though always takes position as the favourite, an entire community backed in their effort to show off pure European skill. But what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger and a 4-2 loss against such a team is a great accomplishment.
We congratulate the European teams and send our heart-felt sympathy to the Americans but we'll all agree in saying the best continent won.
See y'all next year!
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us-teams sucks :o
well dun crossfire :)! you proved yourselves to be real good
ggs , cu next year all !
GG Europe ET skill uber all \o/
Awesome coverage these 2 days.
But I'm not sure about the ET tourney next year. I'd even be willing to bet some (GBooky) money there won't be any =) .
But I'm not sure about the ET tourney next year. I'd even be willing to bet some (GBooky) money there won't be any =) .
I want to know what the teams do with the money.
I want to know when the teams get their money.
I wanna know when we get our LAN! :D
Lol... 2:4 is a great accomplishment. Actually the winning in Radar by was so lucky... there should be have the score 0:4 for
Interesting game... and the ineteresting prices.
Interesting game... and the ineteresting prices.
Lucky but they did it ey
Not really lucky - idle's 5v5 radar defense was always weak to a solid main rush, if you had enough time. They're not untouchable ;)
idle we looooooove you!
not funny
lol i doubt it was meant to be funny :o
Well played by both sides!
From all the begining i was thinking, what if and play in the final, who would win?
Now I see! :)
The final match was amazing! After the match I couldn't sleep, it was so exciting! :o
Congrats to that they came so far and congrats to being a champion! :D
From all the begining i was thinking, what if and play in the final, who would win?
Now I see! :)
The final match was amazing! After the match I couldn't sleep, it was so exciting! :o
Congrats to that they came so far and congrats to being a champion! :D
yeah well played, so how silly do the americans look now? next qcon in europe! congrats to crossfire for doing the community proud and wp idle. so is goona stay as a team? :P
I is not gonna stay as a team. Maybe it was made only for QuakeCon 2006 event. :)
gg's idle, crossfire, & itg
btw what language did crossfire speak on ventrillo? :p
they had team communication?
it said on sum article i read that the vent was down on training or bootcamp or sumthing or another :s
Most Euro clans speak English :>
The language of love ...
Cool! everyone feels it