Rotterdam Update 4 (3570 Views)
written by
on 02.09.06 11:00
We have a high-spec ettv server up and running, and it should, caution _should_ be able to cast the idle - sFx game without too much hitch. The livebot is okay, but ettv is the ultimate goal. Tune in at the advertised time to hopefully see the first televised game of the lan!
You most probably will by now have witnessed the turbulence currently occuring here at TGS, including the loss of ETTV coverage on matches.
The situation is as follows: we are working closely with the etpro and TGS teams to remedy the problem, however there is no immediate fix currently on offer as so far as ETTV goes. The problem is a result of running the latest ettv on a windows server. We apologise for the loss of matches you were hoping to watch. All the games are being played right now, slightly behind schedule, but it is sFx and cZar who are at the PCs right now.
There is of course the Octoshape stream available, and ETTV will be up later today. Games will be marked as cancelled as they are being played to prevent ETTV server listings, but we will enter results and confirm matches so that your gbooky activity is not affected.
However all we can do right now is be patient and wait for everything to smooth out. Thanks.
You most probably will by now have witnessed the turbulence currently occuring here at TGS, including the loss of ETTV coverage on matches.
The situation is as follows: we are working closely with the etpro and TGS teams to remedy the problem, however there is no immediate fix currently on offer as so far as ETTV goes. The problem is a result of running the latest ettv on a windows server. We apologise for the loss of matches you were hoping to watch. All the games are being played right now, slightly behind schedule, but it is sFx and cZar who are at the PCs right now.
There is of course the Octoshape stream available, and ETTV will be up later today. Games will be marked as cancelled as they are being played to prevent ETTV server listings, but we will enter results and confirm matches so that your gbooky activity is not affected.
However all we can do right now is be patient and wait for everything to smooth out. Thanks.

np guyz :D
hehehe, np we know you are working hard.
maybe even too hard. well nice work, hope ettv is gonna be up soon. :)
maybe even too hard. well nice work, hope ettv is gonna be up soon. :)
why couldnt this be tested earlier
thats a really good question!
"There is of course the Octoshape stream available"
stream has been unavailable...
or its starting later
Saturday 2nd September 2006
* 12:45 CET : DMiZE vs Team Helix - ET
* 13:45 CET : TMP vs WHOCrew - CoD2
* 15:15 CET : Winners Bracket A - ET
* 16:15 CET : dM vs dSLASH - CoD2
* 17:45 CET : Losers Bracket Round 1 - ET
stream has been unavailable...
or its starting later
Saturday 2nd September 2006
* 12:45 CET : DMiZE vs Team Helix - ET
* 13:45 CET : TMP vs WHOCrew - CoD2
* 15:15 CET : Winners Bracket A - ET
* 16:15 CET : dM vs dSLASH - CoD2
* 17:45 CET : Losers Bracket Round 1 - ET
foonr don't tell me you're in rotterdam without me knowing :<
gogo dutchies!
maybe test b4 the ettv coverage... gg windows! now it's offi, u suck!
update 3?:X
"UPDATE - Linux server installed, ETTV will start with riZe vs. NL right away!"
it was installed..
wheres the livebot?
thx 4 the effort but u cant think ppl wait from (lol) 0930 to 1700
give it up and prepair next time imo
give it up and prepair next time imo
trust me you can ... ive been waiting from 9 am till now to broadcast games ;)
Hope it works. :)