Rotterdam Update 4 (3570 Views)

written by gb foonr on 02.09.06 11:00


np guyz :D
hehehe, np we know you are working hard.
maybe even too hard. well nice work, hope ettv is gonna be up soon. :)
why couldnt this be tested earlier
thats a really good question!
"There is of course the Octoshape stream available"
stream has been unavailable...
or its starting later
Saturday 2nd September 2006
* 12:45 CET : DMiZE vs Team Helix - ET
* 13:45 CET : TMP vs WHOCrew - CoD2
* 15:15 CET : Winners Bracket A - ET
* 16:15 CET : dM vs dSLASH - CoD2
* 17:45 CET : Losers Bracket Round 1 - ET
foonr don't tell me you're in rotterdam without me knowing :<
gogo dutchies!
maybe test b4 the ettv coverage... gg windows! now it's offi, u suck!
update 3?:X
"UPDATE - Linux server installed, ETTV will start with riZe vs. NL right away!"
wheres the livebot?
thx 4 the effort but u cant think ppl wait from (lol) 0930 to 1700
give it up and prepair next time imo
trust me you can ... ive been waiting from 9 am till now to broadcast games ;)
Hope it works. :)