Meet: aMenti (4691 Views)

written by gb foonr on 19.09.06 22:13


rafl 2 weeks
gl !! gogo gavin :D
gl sqzz<3
my logo should be up there :<

gl <3 CrozZ
rofl can do more than dMIZE???

i dont care about dmize but whats the point in joining a clan which exists since 1 h ??

or didnt get any support from dmize?
dmize only lived 1 h as well afaik.
it was founded by former northern darkness managers.
gl guys youll do just fine
Post is een foto van jezelf luna...
xfire sucks always down
long life gtv
idd xfire should ask arni 4 hosting the fucking site :(
which mgc next week :P
+ gl arMani
it's getting boring now
you finally understand why most of us are bored of you? :P
i dont care about Winghaven, i never thinked that he can write or speak in english, i'm really surprised. Gl mate!! you know i hate and love you at same time!!!

Força Wing!!

Kisses!! :P

so do i think of you

<3 wing any time
amenti lineup looks amazing, and they show their preformance by draw with idle, gluck guys
Good luck! :D
gl aMenti ;]
we want surname of CroZz ;-D
CroZz i <3 u man gl all
XyLoS u toooo
tom ''crozz'' h****r?