Review on ESL Summer Cups (10121 Views)
written by
on 10.10.06 18:00

Don't you ask yourself sometime about what happend in summer? We will make the ultimate review on the recent played cups and matches in different events. Check out the winners of our summer series and find all information about the ladder wars.
After our 4 cups during the summer, a great winter and spring season, it's time to check out who was able to win the most matches in the last weeks and which clans will dominate in the upcoming Fall Series!
- ESL News
With the finished summer season we are still in progress to start our Fall event with a new system and much more teams to sign up. Prepare your team to have a full autmn with hot action in the ESL and other leagues keeping 6on6 for you.
With 68 SignUps for 6on6 and 46 for 3on3 we already have many teams
- the signups are open for our 6on6 and 3on3 Events -
01.10.2006 0.00 CET - 18.10.2006 23:00 CET
SignUp 6on6 | SignUp 3on3 | howto for ESL | Event details
- the signups are open for our 6on6 and 3on3 Events -
01.10.2006 0.00 CET - 18.10.2006 23:00 CET
SignUp 6on6 | SignUp 3on3 | howto for ESL | Event details
